terraform-provider-logicmonitor copied to clipboard
Escalation Chains Visual Bug
Using the following code we have managed to setup an escalation chain that emails an address all day, then emails another address between 08:00 and 18:00 BST Monday to Friday, then Saturday Sunday All day.
# Create a LogicMonitor escalation chain
resource "logicmonitor_escalation_chain" "networks_itoc_ooh" {
name = "Networks & OOH ITOC"
description = "Alerts for networks and escalated to itoc oohs"
destinations = [
period = [],
stages = [
type = "single"
period = [{
week_days = [ 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
timezone = "Europe/London"
start_minutes = 480
end_minutes = 1080
stages = [
type = "timebased"
period = [{
week_days = [1, 7]
timezone = "Europe/London"
start_minutes = 0
end_minutes = 1440
stages = [
type = "timebased"
enable_throttling = false
throttling_alerts = 20
throttling_period = 10
output "networks_itoc_ooh_chain_id" {
value = logicmonitor_escalation_chain.networks_itoc_ooh.id
Now when this is then created in LogicMonitor, under escalation chains the UI begins to behave weirdly. In BOTH UIs the escalation chain reports it is not time based and is missing configuration data, leading the end user to believe from a glance its all ok but then when managing its broken.
So from here this all looks normal:
However when we click manage we are presented with:
So from here this all looks normal:
However when we click manage we are presented with:
API Response: When getting a response for this escalation chain via the API , we are presented with the following, this tells me this looks to be a visual bug and the chain is all going to work as intended.
"id" : 14,
"name" : "Networks & OOH ITOC",
"description" : "Alerts for networks and escalated to itoc oohs",
"enableThrottling" : false,
"throttlingPeriod" : 10,
"throttlingAlerts" : 20,
"inAlerting" : false,
"destinations" : [ {
"type" : "single",
"period" : null,
"stages" : [ [ {
"type" : "ARBITRARY",
"method" : "email",
"addr" : "emailAddress",
"contact" : ""
} ] ]
}, {
"type" : "timebased",
"period" : {
"startMinutes" : 480,
"endMinutes" : 1080,
"timezone" : "Europe/London",
"weekDays" : [ 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]
"stages" : [ [ {
"type" : "ADMIN",
"method" : "ServiceNow DEV Integration",
"addr" : "ServiceNow",
"contact" : ""
}, {
"type" : "ARBITRARY",
"method" : "email",
"addr" : "emailAddress",
"contact" : ""
} ] ]
}, {
"type" : "timebased",
"period" : {
"startMinutes" : 0,
"endMinutes" : 1440,
"timezone" : "Europe/London",
"weekDays" : [ 1, 7 ]
"stages" : [ [ {
"type" : "ADMIN",
"method" : "ServiceNow DEV Integration",
"addr" : "ServiceNow",
"contact" : ""
}, {
"type" : "ARBITRARY",
"method" : "email",
"addr" : "emailAddress",
"contact" : ""
} ] ]
} ],
"ccDestinations" : [ ]