terraform-provider-logicmonitor copied to clipboard
logicmonitor_alert_rule not allowing escalation_interval of 0
I am using the logicmonitor_alert_rule resource to configure some rules with an escalation_interval setting of 0. This goes through fine on an apply, but then if I run a plan straight after with no changes, it shows a change to make - changing the escalation interval from 30 -> 0 .
# module.logicmonitor.logicmonitor_alert_rule.critical will be updated in-place
~ resource "logicmonitor_alert_rule" "critical" {
+ escalating_chain = (known after apply)
~ escalation_interval = 30 -> 0
id = "48"
name = "test - Critical"
# (10 unchanged attributes hidden)
# module.logicmonitor.logicmonitor_alert_rule.error will be updated in-place
~ resource "logicmonitor_alert_rule" "error" {
~ escalation_interval = 30 -> 0
id = "49"
name = "test - Error"
# (11 unchanged attributes hidden)
# module.logicmonitor.logicmonitor_alert_rule.warning will be updated in-place
~ resource "logicmonitor_alert_rule" "warning" {
~ escalation_interval = 30 -> 0
id = "50"
name = "test - Warning"
# (11 unchanged attributes hidden)
Either Logic Monitor APIs or the Terraform provider has changed it to 30 from the 0 in the config, and it then tries to overwrite with 0 on every single run. Manually changing to 0 in the portal will then stop this.
Running logic monitor provider is the latest version - 2.0.17