terraform-provider-logicmonitor copied to clipboard
Enhancement - Allow devices to be added without collectors operational
Similar to my request in #105 - collectors are causing a bit of a pain with devices and our envisaged use of Terraform. Currently, we cannot add devices until collectors are online. This means I have to make the Terraform code to add devices, conditional on some variable. E.g.
resource "logicmonitor_device" "devices" {
for_each = { for entry in var.devices : entry.name => entry if var.collector_operational }
This results in having to run two separate runs of Terraform. One to get the collector groups and collectors added, taking the install URL and provisioning the collectors, and then a second to add the devices to Logic Monitor.
Whilst not the end of the world, it is a pain and means we cannot just provision an entire client in one go.
I appreciate this isn't a Terraform provider enhancement specifically, but it would be great if Logic Monitor behaviour could be adjusted to allow devices to be added before collectors are online (unless there is a specific reason this isn't done) so that entire environments can be provisioned in one run cleanly.