Flipper-IRDB copied to clipboard
A collective of different IRs for the Flipper
This pull request aims to enrich our repository by adding two new IR files for Toto Washlet and Bio Bidet BB2000, two leading brands in advanced toilet fixtures. These files...
- Add LG_AN-MR19BA.ir - Remove duplicate files Lg_c9_magic_remote.ir, LG_C1.ir, LG_Factory_Service.ir - Rename LG_MR21GC_Magic_Remote.ir → LG_AN-MR21GC.ir to match model number - Rename LG_TV_AKB75375604.ir → LG_AKB75375604.ir to match naming scheme of other...
Add ADJ UC-IR remote See: https://www.adj.com/uc-ir Controls a large amount of ADJ products, for example: https://www.adj.com/focus-spot-2x Standby has been renamed to Power for consistency, acts as On/Off toggle
I tried looking up "AA-00721A" and could not find anything, Google only showed results for "AA59-00721A". Alternatively, I propose changing to "Samsung_UN40FH5005F.ir" based on the contents. I will not perform...
I have added new remote