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Documentation for Solor Knowledge Architecture and Knowledge Management Environment


What is this repository for?

This repository is to provide for collaborative development of documentation for InformaticS Architecture ACceleration's (ISAAC) KnOwledge Management EnvironmenT (KOMET).

How do I get set up?

Viewing generated KOMET Compendium PDF and HTML files

Generated pdf and html files can be found in

Setting up to edit Docbook

This is a maven/docbook project. To edit docbook XML files, following installations are recommended:

  1. JAVA
    • If your machine does not have JAVA, download and install Java SE: Java Download
  2. Maven
  3. SourceTree
    • Download and install from: Atlassian SourceTree - Be sure to follow installation instructions from this site
    • Run Source Tree and select Clone
      • Source Location
        • get link and copy into Source Location
          • Go to KOMET github
          • Select Clone or download and copy link: src/site/resources/images/readme_screenshot_sourcetree_sourceLocation.jpg
      • Target Directory – enter the path of the directory & folder name
      • Branch - be sure it is set to "develop"
      • Click on Clone
      • Close SourceTree once the project has been downloaded
  4. Build the clone source code
    • Skip this step if you are not familiar with command prompt operations
    • If you are familiar with command prompt, execute mvn clean install in the directory created in Target Directory step of SourceTree installation
  5. Oxygen XML Editor
    • Download and install from Oxygen XML Editor
      • Select File Association – recommend selecting XML Document
      • sign up for 30-day evaluation key
    • When you start the program, enter 30-day trial license key: src/site/resources/images/readme_screenshot_oxygen_trial.jpg
    • Once opened, Oxygen XML Editor should look like: src/site/resources/images/readme_screenshot_oxygen_mainInterface.jpg
    • select File > Open > go to the folder created in Target Directory step of Git GUI installation > select isaacs-komet-doc.xpr
    • This step is to set up "mvn clean install" within Oxygen so that it can be executed within Oxygen
      • Right click on isaacs-komet-doc.xpr > Copy Location
      • go to Tools > External Tools > Configure
      • In the Preferences window, click on New
      • In the External Tool window
        • Name: Enter a name
        • Description: Enter a description
        • Working Directory: paste the copied location of isaacs-komet-doc.xpr from above
          • remove file:/ (beginning of the pasted path text)
          • replace all instances of %20 with a space
          • remove isaacs-komet-doc.xpr (end of the pasted path text)
        • Apply > OK
      • You should now have a new button in the toolbar. Press this button to start mvn clean install
      • When the process is completed, you will see the icon change from red square to green 'play' icon
          You are now able to edit files within Oxygen!

Committing and pushing edited files to GitHub

Note: It is generally a good practice to perform a mvn clean install to ensure that there's no errors prior to committing/pushing edited files back to GitHub.

Contact Keith Campbell for write priviliges.

  1. SourceTree

    • select files or stage all files (1), and press commit (2)
    • Enter a comment and press commit button below the comment textbox (3)
    • Press Push putton (4)
    • Make sure Local and Remote branches are set to "develop" and press the Push button

    Note: you may need to "Pull" before you can "Push". In which case, press on the "Pull" button (next to "Push" button described above). Be sure to uncheck "Commit merged changes immediately" checkbox to avoid any conflicts.