Logan Thomas
Logan Thomas
Fixes #2917 Re-implements #2927 (accidental removal from forked repo) ## Description ## Checklist - [X] The issue that is being fixed is referred in the description (see above "Fixes #ISSUE_NUMBER")...
Fixes #2926 Replaces #2923 (accidental deletion) ## Description New recipe tutorial on how to calculate layer output dimensions - How to transition from convolution and pooling layers to linear layers...
Fixes #2925 Re-implements #2921 (accidental deletion from forked repo) ## Description New recipe tutorial on how to implement a keras progress bar in the training/test loop - How to implement...
### 🚀 Describe the improvement or the new tutorial This tutorial will help users understand how to transition from convolutional and pooling layers to linear layers in their models. Learning...
### Add Link https://github.com/pytorch/tutorials/blob/tutorials_refresh/recipes_source/recipes/example_recipe.py From `CONTRIBUTING.md` file in `Example Tutorials` section: https://github.com/pytorch/tutorials/blob/653719940f7c4d908811da415f190465d8c3189d/CONTRIBUTING.md?plain=1#L222 ### Describe the bug File doesn't exist in repo ### Describe your environment n/a cc @sekyondaMeta @svekars @kit1980...
### 🚀 Describe the improvement or the new tutorial This tutorial will help begginers understand how to access and make sense of model parameters, collect trainable parameters, and use `torchinfo.summary()`....
### 🚀 Describe the improvement or the new tutorial This tutorial will help users to understand better how to implement a Keras progress bar in PyTorch. - How to implement...
### Add Link - [Source code permalink](https://github.com/pytorch/tutorials/blob/653719940f7c4d908811da415f190465d8c3189d/advanced_source/ddp_pipeline.py#L175) - [Online docs link](https://pytorch.org/tutorials/advanced/ddp_pipeline.html) - [Colab link](https://colab.research.google.com/github/pytorch/tutorials/blob/gh-pages/_downloads/9c42ef95b5e306580f45ed7f652191bf/ddp_pipeline.ipynb#scrollTo=E2Lgxp7SSfUS) @pritamdamania87 for awareness ### Describe the bug Related to #2895 and #2910 The training process uses...
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