Logan Mzz

Results 26 comments of Logan Mzz

Tried with `[email protected]` (declared dependency) : ```text Error with Google Cloud Client Instance Error: Cannot find module 'google-gax/build/src/protobuf' Require stack: - /myapp/node_modules/@google-cloud/compute/build/protos/protos.js - /myapp/node_modules/@google-cloud/compute/build/src/index.js - /myapp/index.js at Function.Module._resolveFilename (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:956:15) at...

With `[email protected]`: ```text Error with Google Cloud Client Instance GoogleError: Required field project is not present in the request. at transcode (/myapp/node_modules/google-gax/build/src/transcoding.js:247:19) at encodeRequest (/myapp/node_modules/google-gax/build/src/fallbackRest.js:40:52) at Object.serviceStub. [as list] (/myapp/node_modules/google-gax/build/src/fallbackServiceStub.js:42:35)...

Same issue here with downloaded Helm: ``` Helm: 3.5.3 or 3.6.0 Plugin: 1.6.1 Gradle: 6.8.3 Kotlin: 1.4.20 JVM: 1.8.0_141 (Oracle Corporation 25.141-b15) OS: Linux 5.4.0-73-generic amd64 (Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS) ```

On my side, problem was solved by declaring repository in `build.gradle.kts`. See https://github.com/loganmzz/unbroken-dome.gradle-helm-plugin.issues-102/commit/c9f79837636f370b918ef857439710b9f5cb860b

I think better option is to have an addtionnal field in `.Chart` which contains original name.

@consideRatio For your specific use case, can't you rely on a specific Chart annotation ? May be with some random (e.g. UUID v4) value ? Note: I know it's not...

It happens for me after timeout / auth failure againt K8S API during Helm processing. However, taking a look at release state is properly displayed in `pending-install`. So even if...

As some replacement for `nvm`, this should implements `use` command the same way and install if not present

> Pretty old subject but... this behavior should be configurable. On our side we prefer to have a direct visibility on the "when" in first place like with real programming...