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Use of data-scroll-offset
Hi. I am having issues understanding how to properly use the data-scroll-offset instance. Is it used to trigger an animation per se ?
facing same issue. i want to trigger parallax scroll after element reached top of the screen and not when it enters the viewport.
@GodwinEbikwo data-scroll-offset is used to control when the animation triggers. Check this answer, it might be helpful https://stackoverflow.com/a/61143466/5622969
facing same issue. i want to trigger parallax scroll after element reached top of the screen and not when it enters the viewport.
Have you ever found a solution for this? I'm trying to achieve this as well.
@cjjkeesq I am not sure what exactly you requirement is, but in our case we had 2 columns. when container reaches top left column remains sticky and right column then has parallax effect. also there's some animation on left column too.
so we did like this
<div class='sticky-container-1'> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-6"> <article data-scroll-id=".sticky-container-1" data-scroll data-scroll-target=".sticky-container-1>
then we used scroller.on('scroll',(args)=>{
to fire animations on scroll.
you can access elements scroll value like this
@cjjkeesq I am not sure what exactly you requirement is, but in our case we had 2 columns. when container reaches top left column remains sticky and right column then has parallax effect. also there's some animation on left column too. so we did like this
<div class='sticky-container-1'> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-6"> <article data-scroll-id=".sticky-container-1" data-scroll data-scroll-target=".sticky-container-1>
then we usedscroller.on('scroll',(args)=>{
to fire animations on scroll. you can access elements scroll value like thisargs.currentElements['.sticky-container-1'].progress;
Thanks for the quick response! I would like to change the color of my header content when it collides/overlaps with a certain section (with a white or black background, see GIF attached).
I'm not that big of a star with JS but if your example will get me there, I'll try and make it work!
I think you can achieve that using scroller.on('scroll',(args)=>{
check the progress value of the element when it reaches trigger point and fire accordingly
Thanks, I'll check that out!
Thanks again for the help! I've got it working by tracking the progress value of the following (absolute) elements:
<div class="section-detect" data-scroll-repeat="true" data-scroll data-scroll-id="white-bg" data-scroll-offset="-72"></div>
<div class="section-detect" data-scroll-repeat="true" data-scroll data-scroll-id="white-bg-2" data-scroll-offset="-72"></div>
<div class="section-detect" data-scroll-repeat="true" data-scroll data-scroll-id="dark-bg" data-scroll-offset="-72"></div>
<div class="section-detect" data-scroll-repeat="true" data-scroll data-scroll-id="dark-bg-2" data-scroll-offset="-72"></div>
I'm using the following JS:
$(document).ready(function() { var pageQ = document.body scroll.on('scroll', (args) => { if(typeof args.currentElements['white-bg'] === 'object') { let progress = args.currentElements['white-bg'].progress; if (progress >= 0.95){ $(pageQ).removeClass('white-content'); $(pageQ).addClass('dark-content'); } else { $(pageQ).removeClass('dark-content'); $(pageQ).addClass('white-content'); } } });
Is it possible to target the sections by class instead of using different ID's? I've tried using data-scroll-class, but that doesn't seem to work.
Do you have any online demonstration (like a codepen) of your working code? I'm facing the same issue but I don't success to reproduce your code to see it working.
Thank you.
The website is still in development, but maybe I can provide you with a URL to a temporary environment. I'd need your IP-address to put you on a whitelist.
Hii! I recently got to know to about locomotive. I'm working on demo website to learn more about animations.
I need a little help!
I've added a few animations which I want to trigger when the element reaches the middle of the viewport. I thought data-scroll-offset
will be helpful but I don't why it's not working. I've no idea how to make it work.
I'm using locomotive v5. Here's the site link: https://loop-fashion-store.abhishekprajapati.com
Thank you!