ember-localstorage-adapter copied to clipboard
After a failed .findRecord, it is impossible to create a record with the same id
Hey, I ran into an issue with ember-data-localstorage today after upgrading to Ember-Data 2.13
The pattern I use with local-storage is usually:
this.store.findRecord('local-model', 'some-id')
.catch((error) => {
.. if (couldNotBeFound) {
this.store.createRecord('local-model', { id: 'some-id' })
I get an assertion failure:
The id 'some-id' has already been used with another record for modelClass 'local-model'.
It seems that .findRecord adds the model to the store even if it's not found.
I ran into this too. I believe it's related to this issue with Ember Data 2.13, not this library specifically: https://github.com/emberjs/data/issues/4963
The runloop workaround in that issue thread worked for me to get a "find-or-create" working. Here's what my code looks like, inside a method whose signature returns a promise resolving to a record:
return get(this, 'store').findRecord('model-type', id)
.catch(() => {
// `findRecord()` created an internal model for the passed ID.
// A failed lookup causes that internal model to begin destroying.
// It's not guaranteed to be destroyed by the time we get here, though.
// We have to schedule anything that might touch the dematerializing internal
// model with this ID to happen after dematerialization in the destroy queue.
return new RSVP.Promise((fulfill) => {
run.schedule('destroy', () => {
fulfill(get(this, 'store').createRecord('model-type', { /* attrs */ }));
How about try this,
return get(this, 'store').findRecord('model', id)
.catch(() => {
this.store.unloadRecord(this.store.getReference('model', id).internalModel);