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Training: Add production scripts
For the skeleton docs (#1), have a script that produces them and sends to gh-pages branch or docs/
This could then be added to .travis.yml
I'm thinking of trying to integrate this into the training projects - or adding a presentation package (blog post scheduled on how this works)
What do you think @jonmcalder
Looks cool to me - maybe I should wait to see the blog post, but for now I'm wondering how best to approach this given that some of the process/code infrastructure could or should be shared between this and #5?
I think modularity/extensibility is key in all of these building blocks for pRojects, given that the future plan is to come up with neat system for creating and maintaining personal templates for many of the pRoject parameters/settings etc as indicated in #14
In the case of this piece of functionality that would mean template values (including package dependencies where necessary) for things like the theme in _output.yml in addition to sourcing the applicable AUTHORNAME & AUTHOREMAIL params and allowing for override of the sample template etc.
Not sure if this feedback helps in any way?
cf -- pRojects
could use it and
happy to use other packages that can help us get stuff CI/CDing easily, tho it needs to support non-web outputs fwiw
@stephlocke do you have an example of a repo whose setup you like?
I'm thinking of "simply" writing tic.R templates and using travis::use_tic()
Currently trying the setup with a PDF output. First time did not go well, trying now with an explicit install of texlive in the config file. That part is not supported by starters
PDF output works if one adds this time-consuming line in before_install:
- sudo apt-get -qq update && sudo apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends texlive-full
at the moment I'm thinking this tweak should be documented in a vignette.
Here's the PDF
didn't yihui make a tinytex or something 🤔 might be able to help keep the times down
yes but as far as I know if you install tinytex you need to install LaTeX packages by hand?
I think the packages might autodeploy but regardless, it should be enough to compile the basics - if folks find they need full LaTeX then they can alter the process