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UaException: Bad_NonceInvalid when connecting from inductiveautomation Ignition OPC Client

Open fautore opened this issue 2 years ago • 5 comments

Hi everybody, I set up a opcua-demo-server as in samples/demo-server and used the default configuration, then i set up an Ignition server on the same machine and created a new OPC Client connection to localhost port 4855.

the endpoint i'm setting into ignition is the following: opc.tcp://localhost:4855/ but the Ignition OPC Client keeps faulting with the following error message: UaException: status=Bad_NonceInvalid, message=nonce must be non-zero

I also tried fiddling with the configuration of the demo-server, i tried dropping the endpoints that use encryption but i seem to have no luck with this.

I also set up a opcua-simple-client that i found on samples/simple-client/, default configuration and that seems to work fine.

Any ideas / help with the configuration i am running? Any help will be appreciated, Thank you.

fautore avatar Dec 21 '21 08:12 fautore

Which version are you using? Can you try current master? See issue #58 , which was fixed on master lately.

schroeder- avatar Dec 21 '21 09:12 schroeder-

Yes, downloaded master and compiled it yesterday. isn't the issue #58 referring to the client implementation?

Thanks for the help

fautore avatar Dec 21 '21 09:12 fautore

Maybe we have the same issue on the server side. If you are using the configuration file try using this endpoint to force a password security policy:

    path: /
    security_policy: None
    security_mode: None
    security_level: 0
    password_security_policy: http://opcfoundation.org/UA/SecurityPolicy#Basic256
      - sample_password_user
      - sample_x509_user

Also does anonymous access with secruity_policy: None works?

schroeder- avatar Dec 21 '21 10:12 schroeder-

I tried just now with the configuration you suggested, same result, Ignition client side connection faults.

Also tried connecting from simple-client in localhost with "none" endpoint and it seems to work just fine.

fautore avatar Dec 21 '21 10:12 fautore

Not sure whether this is still current, but I encountered similar issues with the Prosys Simulation Server. The server was confused because the client sent a security certificate but no nonce. So instead of ignoring it for SecurityPolicy None, it complained.

There's a patch at https://github.com/re-gmbh/opcua/commit/2f6c80b9d0a1b7435f9b8d2661c5edf658e19cf9, I'll try to allocate a few minutes to create PR for it.

milgner avatar Sep 13 '22 12:09 milgner