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NativeScript Chromecast Plugin.
Chromecast support for NativeScript 7+.
You must have a valid Chromecast Application ID. You can obtain one at the Google Cast Developer Console.
Note: Since NativeScript 7, the package name is now @codelab/nativescript-cast
# NativeScript 7
ns plugin add @codelab/nativescript-cast
# Nativescript 6
tns plugin add [email protected]
# NativeScript 5
tns plugin add [email protected]
Set your Application ID.
<!-- App_Resources/Android/src/main/res/values/strings.xml -->
<string name="app_id">4F8B3483</string>
The Google Cast design checklist requires a sender app to provide an expanded controller. Include ExpandedControllerActivity
in your AndroidManifest.xml
<!-- App_Resources/Android/src/main/res/AndroidManifest.xml -->
<action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN"/>
If you are using Webpack, you will need to include '@codelab/nativescript-cast/cast-options-provider'
in appComponents
To do this, create a custom webpack configuration. See the demo for an example.
Set your Application ID.
<!-- App_Resources/iOS/Info.plist -->
You'll need to set up a delegate to initialise the GCKCastContext
with your AppID
. See the demo for an example.
import { Application } from '@nativescript/core';
if (global.isIOS) {
class MyDelegate extends UIResponder implements UIApplicationDelegate {
public static ObjCProtocols = [UIApplicationDelegate, GCKLoggerDelegate];
applicationDidFinishLaunchingWithOptions(application: UIApplication, launchOptions: NSDictionary<string, any>): boolean {
const appId = NSBundle.mainBundle.objectForInfoDictionaryKey('AppID');
const castOptions = GCKCastOptions.alloc().initWithReceiverApplicationID(appId);
// Optional logger
const delegate: MyLoggerDelegateImpl =;
GCKLogger.sharedInstance().delegate = delegate;
return true;
Application.ios.delegate = MyDelegate;
⚠️ iOS 12+ & Xcode 10 ⚠️
If developing using Xcode 10 and targeting iOS devices running iOS 12 or higher, the "Access WiFi Information" capability is required in order to discover and connect to Cast devices. The plugin comes with an app.entitlements
which will add this capability to the workspace, however, you must also Add the Access WiFi information feature to your App ID
See iOS sender setup for more info.
⚠️ iOS 13+ & Guest Mode ⚠️
iOS 13+ requires Bluetooth and Microphone permissions in order to use Guest Mode with Chromecast. This plugin sets these permissions in the Info.plist
See iOS Guest Mode for more info.
⚠️ iOS 14+ ⚠️
iOS 14+ has some permission changes. See iOS Permission Changes for more info.
Be sure to set NSBonjourServices
with your AppID
as explained in the documentation above. See the demo for an example.
Place CastButton
in to your view.
<ActionBar title="App Name">
<ActionItem ios.position="right">
<cast:CastButton cast="{{ handleCastEvent }}" />
<!-- ... -->
Add NativescriptCastModule
in your app's module imports
, typically in app.module.ts
import { NativescriptCastModule } from '"@codelab/nativescript-cast/angular';
imports: [
Include in your template.
<ActionBar [title]="App Name" >
<ActionItem ios.position="right">
<CastButton (cast)="handleCastEvent($event)"></CastButton>
Register the element in your app's main entry point, typically main.ts
Vue.registerElement('CastButton', () => require('n"@codelab/ativescript-cast').CastButton);
Include in your template.
<ActionBar title="App Name">
<ActionItem ios.position="right">
<CastButton @cast="handleCastEvent" />
Event handler
Set up an event handler for all cast events. The cast instance is available on args.object
handleCastEvent(args): void {
console.log('cast: ' + args.object);
console.log('eventName: ' +;
When the Cast receiver is ready, you can load your media.
const mediaInfo = {
contentId: '',
contentType: 'video/mp4',
streamType: 'BUFFERED',
duration: undefined,
metadata: {
metadataType: 'MOVIE',
title: 'Tears of Steel',
subtitle: 'By Blender Foundation',
description: 'Sintel is an independently produced short film, initiated by the Blender Foundation.',
images: [
url: '',
width: 480,
height: 270,
textTracks: [
src: '',
contentType: 'text/vtt',
name: 'English',
language: 'en'
src: '',
contentType: 'text/vtt',
name: 'Spanish',
language: 'es'
textTrackStyle: {
foregroundColor: '#0000cc',
backgroundColor: '#00cc00',
customData: {
anything: 'you like'
Event names follow the Android naming structure.
iOS events are passed from GCKSessionManagerListener
, GCKRemoteMediaClientListener
and GCKMediaQueueDelegate
Android events are passed from SessionManagerListener
, MediaRouter.Callback
and MediaQueue.Callback
NativeScript | Android | iOS |
onSessionEnded | onSessionEnded | didEndSession |
onSessionEnding | onSessionEnding | willEndSession |
onSessionResumed | onSessionResumed | didResumeSession |
onSessionResuming | onSessionResuming | willResumeSession |
onSessionStarted | onSessionStarted | didStartSession |
onSessionStartFailed | onSessionStartFailed | didFailToStartSession |
onSessionStarting | onSessionStarting | willStartSession |
onSessionSuspended | onSessionSuspended | didSuspendSession |
onDeviceVolumeChanged | onRouteVolumeChanged | didReceiveDeviceVolume |
onDeviceChanged | onRouteChanged | didUpdateDevice |
onMediaStatusChanged | onStatusUpdated | remoteMediaClientDidUpdateMediaStatus |
mediaQueueWillChange | mediaQueueWillChange | mediaQueueWillChange |
itemsReloaded | itemsReloaded | mediaQueueDidReloadItems |
itemsInsertedInRange | itemsInsertedInRange | didInsertItemsInRange |
itemsUpdatedAtIndexes | itemsUpdatedAtIndexes | didUpdateItemsAtIndexes |
itemsRemovedAtIndexes | itemsRemovedAtIndexes | didRemoveItemsAtIndexes |
mediaQueueChanged | mediaQueueChanged | mediaQueueDidChange |
All unlisted events are ignored. See related documentation for futher details.
See cast.types for method options.
loadMedia(media: CastMediaInfo, options?: LoadMediaOptions): void
Loads the specified media.
loadQueue(options: LoadQueueOptions): void
Loads a queue of media items.
playMedia(customData? any): void
Plays the loaded media.
pauseMedia(customData? any): void
Pauses the loaded media.
seekMedia(position: number, resumeState?: ResumeState , customData?: any): void
Seeks the loaded media to position (seconds).
stopMedia(customData? any): void
Stops the loaded media.
showController(): void
Show the expanded controller.
showCastInstructions(title: string, singleTime: boolean): void
Shows the Cast instructions overlay.
arguments are Android-only. -
showCastDialog(): void
Show the Cast destination dialog.
getMediaInfo(): CastMediaInfo
Returns the loaded media info.
setActiveTrackIds([trackIds]): void
Pass an array of IDs defined in
to show subtitles. Pass an empty array to hide. -
queueNextItem(): void
Play the next item in the queue.
queuePreviousItem(): void
Play the previous item in the queue.
queueSetRepeatMode(repeatMode: RepeatMode): void
Set the queue repeat mode.
queueInsertItem(options: QueueInsertItemOptions): void
Insert a single queue item.
queueInsertItems(options: QueueInsertItemsOptions): void
Insert multiple queue items.
queueRemoveItems(itemIDs: number[], customData?: any): void
Remove queue items by ID.
queueReorderItems(itemIDs: number[], beforeItemID: number, customData?: any): void
Reorder queue items by ID.
queueJumpToItem(itemID: number, playPosition?: number, customData? any): void
Jump to queue item by ID.
- More queue-related functions.
- Complete Cast Reference app that adheres to the Google Cast Design Checklist.