elixir-cassette copied to clipboard
Elixir library to create and validate CAS tickets
Library to generate and validate CAS TGTs/STs
The package can be installed as:
Add cassette to your list of dependencies in
:def deps do [{:cassette, "~> 1.1"}] end
Ensure cassette is started before your application:
def application do [applications: [:cassette]] end
Usage with the default configuration
The module Cassette
includes the functions to generate TGTs and STs
This will use the default configuration (in mix.config), please refer to Cassete.Config
struct for the available keys (including expiration times).
config :cassette, username: "example-user"
config :cassette, password: "topsecret"
config :cassette, base_url: "https://cas-server.example.org"
config :cassette, base_authority: "EXAMPLE"
config :cassette, service: "app.example.org"
helps on role validation and service
is the default value used by Cassette.validate/2
This default configuration is returned by the Cassette.Config.default
Any of those values may be configured with a tuple, so configuration can be loaded using environment variables:
config :cassette, password: {:system, "SOME_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE"}
A round trip validation would look like this:
$ iex -S mix
iex> {:ok, tgt} = Cassette.tgt
{:ok, "TGT-11692539-ZIvKZ6TlGUBX5DBgR6egYnVvJeHyJpM2oxApxlsIYEaX2dUd9x"}
iex> {:ok, st} = Cassette.st(Cassette.Config.default.service)
{:ok, "ST-16175889-oqcTdH041YZeeLcQtYCL"}
iex> Cassette.validate(st, Cassette.Config.default.service)
{:ok, %Cassette.User{login: "sampleuser", authorities: ["ACME_ADMIN"...]}}
You are not required to call Cassette.tgt
, it will be generated (or re-generated in case of expiration) when creating a ST.
Multiple configurations
If you want to use multiple cas services you can create your own module and use
the Cassette.Support
macro module, you can define the GenServer
name and/or provide a configuration.
defmodule MyCas do
use Cassette.Support, process_name: :MyCasServer, config: %Cassette.Config{...}
This other Cas service must be started as well with MyCas.start
before it can be used or it may be added to your supervision tree:
defmodule YourApp do
def start(_type, _args) do
import Supervisor.Spec, warn: false
children = [
# some other apps,
opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: MyApp.Supervisor]
Supervisor.started(children, opts)
Using self signed servers
If you really really want to use insecure/self-signed certificates, use a Cassette.Config
struct with insecure
set to true.
You can also define in your mix/config.exs
use Mix.Config
config :cassette, :insecure, true
Check out Contributing guide.