server copied to clipboard
404 and client crashes after a few seconds after connect
"When I use my own localtunnel server it shows "404". But when I use the default it works perfectly.
Also i noticed. If i access my LT server, i'm able to access but[tunnel-id]/status will return a Not Found page.
I just found out after running tunnel from my dev machine.
lt --host --port 80
It crashes after a few seconds. But it doesnt show any error. Is there a way to find the error?"
I have the same problem. I tried as a dependency and it doesn't show errors either.
same issue here
same issue
Same issue for me as well
Likely your server doesn't have high TCP ports open on the firewall for the tunnel connections. Start the server with debug enabled to see more info:
DEBUG=* node -r esm bin/server --host --port xxxx
After running this:
DEBUG=* node -r esm bin/server --port 9000 --domain <sub.domain.tld>
Got this
koa-router defined route HEAD,GET /api/status +0ms
koa-router defined route HEAD,GET /api/tunnels/:id/status +3ms
koa:application use dispatch +0ms
koa:application use allowedMethods +0ms
koa:application use - +1ms
koa:application use - +0ms
localtunnel server listening on port: 9000 +0ms
koa-router GET / +0ms
koa-router test /api/status /^\/api\/status(?:\/(?=$))?$/i +0ms
koa-router test /api/tunnels/:id/status /^\/api\/tunnels\/((?:[^\/]+?))\/status(?:\/(?=$))?$/i +1ms
localtunnel:server making new client with id spotty-chipmunk-40 +0ms
lt:TunnelAgent[spotty-chipmunk-40] tcp server listening on port: 42659 +0ms
lt:ClientManager removing client: spotty-chipmunk-40 +0ms
lt:TunnelAgent[spotty-chipmunk-40] closed tcp socket +1s
lt:TunnelAgent[spotty-chipmunk-40] closed tcp socket +0ms
Thanks for the suggestion. It seems the host server is behind the firewall and the lt client was not able to connect to the lt server created randomly port.
Hello! Anyone found the solution to this problem?