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A lightweight .NET client for LocalStack

Results 7 localstack-dotnet-client issues
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LocalStack `USE_SSL` environment variable is deprecated after 0.11.3. Each service endpoint now supports multiplexing HTTP/HTTPS traffic over the same port. LocalStack.NET client always sets the UseHttp property of the ClientConfig...


## Expected Behavior To write in LocalStack Timestream the records to see them in the web query editor. ## Actual Behavior We use the code (which is shown in section...

potential bug



Configuring service-specific endpoints allows users to specify a preferred endpoint for API requests, ensuring consistency. This flexibility supports local endpoints, VPC endpoints, and third-party local AWS development environments. Different endpoints...


[LocalStack version 2.2](https://github.com/localstack/localstack/releases/tag/v2.2.0) has been released. Supporting Legacy containers is no longer meaningful. The following changes should be made: - Port mappings should be removed from `AwsServiceEndpointMetadata` and only the...


The following env variables should override ConfigOptions filled by appsettings.json: * `LOCALSTACK_HOST`: Set the hostname for the LocalStack instance. Useful when you have LocalStack bound to a different host (e.g.,...
