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Publish Rails application metrics to statsd.
NSA (National Statsd Agency)
Listen to Rails ActiveSupport::Notifications
and deliver to a Statsd backend.
This gem also supports writing your own custom collectors.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem "nsa"
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install nsa
NSA comes packaged with collectors for ActionController, ActiveRecord, ActiveSupport Caching, and Sidekiq.
To use this gem, simply get a reference to a statsd backend, then indicate which
collectors you'd like to run. Each collect
method specifies a Collector to use
and the additional key namespace.
statsd = ::Statsd.new(ENV["STATSD_HOST"], ENV["STATSD_PORT"])
application_name = ::Rails.application.class.parent_name.underscore
application_env = ENV["PLATFORM_ENV"] || ::Rails.env
statsd.namespace = [ application_name, application_env ].join(".")
::NSA.inform_statsd(statsd) do |informant|
# Load :action_controller collector with a key prefix of :web
informant.collect(:action_controller, :web)
informant.collect(:active_record, :db)
informant.collect(:cache, :cache)
informant.collect(:sidekiq, :sidekiq)
Built-in Collectors
Listens to: process_action.action_controller
Metrics recorded:
- Timing:
- Timing:
- Timing:
- Increment:
Listens to: sql.active_record
Metrics recorded:
- Timing:
- Timing:
- Timing:
- Timing:
Listens to: cache_*.active_suppport
Metrics recorded:
- Timing:
- Timing:
- Timing:
- Timing:
- Timing:
- Timing:
- Timing:
Listens to: Sidekiq middleware, run before each job that is processed
Metrics recorded:
- Time:
- Increment:
- Increment:
- Gauge:
- Gauge:
- Gauge:
- Gauge:
- Gauge:
- Gauge:
- Gauge:
- Gauge:
- Gauge:
- Gauge:
Writing your own collector
Writing your own collector is very simple. To take advantage of the keyspace handling you must:
- Create an object/module which responds to
, taking thekey_prefix
as its only argument. - Include or extend your class/module with
. - Call any of the
prefixed methods provided by the included Publisher:
statsd_count(key, value = 1, sample_rate = nil)
statsd_decrement(key, sample_rate = nil)
statsd_gauge(key, value = 1, sample_rate = nil)
statsd_increment(key, sample_rate = nil)
statsd_set(key, value = 1, sample_rate = nil)
statsd_time(key, sample_rate = nil, &block)
statsd_timing(key, value = 1, sample_rate = nil)
async_statsd_count(key, sample_rate = nil, &block)
async_statsd_gauge(key, sample_rate = nil, &block)
async_statsd_set(key, sample_rate = nil, &block)
async_statsd_time(key, sample_rate = nil, &block)
async_statsd_timing(key, sample_rate = nil, &block)
Note: When using the AsyncPublisher
, the value is derived from the block. This is useful
when the value is not near at hand and has a relatively high cost to compute (e.g. db query)
and you don't want your current thread to wait.
For example, first define your collector. Our (very naive) example will write a gauge metric every 10 seconds of the User count in the db.
# Publishing User.count gauge using a collector
module UsersCollector
extend ::NSA::Statsd::Publisher
def self.collect(key_prefix)
loop do
statsd_gauge("count", ::User.count)
sleep 10 # don't do this, obvi
Then let the informant know about it in some initializer:
# file: config/initializers/statsd.rb
# $statsd =
NSA.inform_statsd($statsd) do |informant|
# ...
informant.collect(UserCollector, :users)
You could also implement the provided example not as a Collector, but using
directly in your ActiveRecord model:
# Publishing User.count gauge using AsyncPublisher methods
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
include NSA::Statsd::AsyncPublisher
after_commit :write_count_gauge, :on => [ :create, :destroy ]
# ...
def write_count_gauge
async_statsd_gauge("models.User.all.count") { ::User.count }
Using this technique, publishing the User.count
stat gauge will not hold up
the thread responsible for creating the record (and processing more callbacks).
After checking out the repo, run bin/setup
to install dependencies. Then, run rake test
to run the tests. You can also run bin/console
for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.
To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install
. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb
, and then run bundle exec rake release
, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem
file to rubygems.org.
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/localshred/nsa.