Racecar icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Racecar copied to clipboard

Autonomous racecar project at MIT. The RACECAR platform runs on Robot Operating System (ROS). Driven autonomously in the MIT tunnels under Building 32.

Team 9 Racecar

Autonomous racecar project at MIT. The RACECAR platform runs on Robot Operating System (ROS).

Nvidia Jetson TX 1 embedded super-computer with Hokuyo UST-10LX laser range finder, Stereolabs ZED stereo camera, Structure.io depth camera, Sparkfun IMU.

Implemented both full-scale SLAM approach and reactive approach.


    1. Go to shell-scripts and install the awesomeness
    1. Install dependencies:
sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-geographic-msgs
sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-tf2-geometry-msgs


roslaunch launcher racecar_teleop.launch
roslaunch navstack navstack.launch
rosrun navstack freespace_goalplanner.py


Full Result: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IVsP1LJmKhw