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Docker for a Nginx based reverse proxy for Notion so


Docker image for a Nginx based reverse proxy for Notion so. does not allow custom domain names so far (maybe soon?). The idea of this project is to provide a Docker image to easily create a reverse proxy to Notion.

Your DNS entry can point toward this reverse proxy and it will proxy pass to Notion.

How to use

docker run -d --name notion-proxy \
    -p 80:80 \
    -e \
    -e PROTO=http \ 
    -e REDIRECT=What-s-New-157765353f2c4705bd45474e5ba8b46c \

You domain name should resolve to the server where this container is started.

Then try to browser

You can as well have a look to the docker-compose.yml file for an alternative usage.


This will only work for public Notion pages.

This does not work with custom ports

You cannot bind a non http port to the Docker container. If doing so, the Notion Javascript code will detect a mismatch when checking the base URL and the page won't show up.

So it is important to have a -p 80:80 or -p 443:443 on the container.

We cannot hide/rewrite the URL for a clean root domain.

For the What's New public page for instance, we cannot have it directly under We need the appended URI:

The reason is that Notion relies a lot on Javascript. The routing to a public page seems to be done dynamically using Javascript with window.location.href (actual browser URL) to parse which page should be displayed. So when pointing to, it will understand that it should display even if we proxy_pass to a custom page.

In order to still have a special page attached to the root domain, you can add the REDIRECT environment variable to set up a redirection on the root domain. So with our example after having set REDIRECT=What-s-New-157765353f2c4705bd45474e5ba8b46c, hitting will 302 redirect to