lobe-cli-toolbox copied to clipboard
Dependency Dashboard
This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the Dependency Dashboard docs to learn more.
These updates have all been created already. Click a checkbox below to force a retry/rebase of any.
- [ ] Update dependency @inkjs/ui to v2
- [ ] Update dependency @octokit/rest to v21
- [ ] Update dependency @sindresorhus/tsconfig to v6
- [ ] Update dependency conf to v13
- [ ] Update dependency eslint to v9
- [ ] Update dependency execa to v9
- [ ] Update dependency glob to v11
- [ ] Update dependency ink to v5
- [ ] Update dependency ink-testing-library to v4
- [ ] Update dependency octokit to v4
- [ ] Update dependency semantic-release to v24
- [ ] Click on this checkbox to rebase all open PRs at once
Ignored or Blocked
These are blocked by an existing closed PR and will not be recreated unless you click a checkbox below.
- [ ] Update dependency remark to v15
- [ ] Update dependency remark-cli to v12
- [ ] Update dependency remark-frontmatter to v5
- [ ] Update dependency remark-gfm to v4
- [ ] Update dependency remark-parse to v11
- [ ] Update dependency remark-stringify to v11
Detected dependencies
wow-actions/auto-comment v1
wow-actions/auto-comment v1
wow-actions/auto-comment v1
actions-cool/issues-helper v3
actions-cool/issues-helper v3
actions-cool/issues-helper v3
actions-cool/issues-helper v3
actions-cool/issues-helper v3
usthe/issues-translate-action v2.7
actions/checkout v4
oven-sh/setup-bun v2
actions/checkout v4
oven-sh/setup-bun v2
@commitlint/cli ^19
@sindresorhus/tsconfig ^5
@types/lodash-es ^4
@types/node ^20
@types/pangu ^4
@types/react ^18
@types/update-notifier ^6
@umijs/lint ^4
clean-pkg-json ^1
commitlint ^19
eslint ^8
husky ^9
ink-testing-library ^3
lerna ^8
lint-staged ^15
multi-semantic-release ^3
pkgroll ^2
prettier ^3
remark ^14
remark-cli ^11
semantic-release ^21
ts-node ^10
typescript ^5
node >=18
commander ^12
consola ^3
update-notifier ^7
node >=18
@inkjs/ui ^1
arr-rotate ^1
consola ^3
fast-deep-equal ^3
figures ^6
ink ^4.2
react ^18
@inkjs/ui >=1
consola >=3
ink >=4
react >=18
node >=18
@inkjs/ui ^1
chalk ^5
commander ^12
conf ^12
dotenv ^16
execa ^8
fast-deep-equal ^3
gitconfig ^2
gpt-tokenizer ^2
ink ^4.2
lodash-es ^4
octokit ^3
pangu ^4
path-exists ^5
react ^18
swr ^2
update-notifier ^7
zustand ^4
ink >=4
react >=18
node >=18
@inkjs/ui ^1
chalk ^5
commander ^12
conf ^12
consola ^3
cosmiconfig ^9
dotenv ^16
fast-deep-equal ^3
glob ^10
gpt-tokenizer ^2
gray-matter ^4
ink ^4.2
json-stable-stringify ^1
just-diff ^6
lodash-es ^4
p-map ^7
pangu ^4
react ^18
remark-frontmatter ^4
remark-gfm ^3
remark-parse ^10
remark-stringify ^10
swr ^2
unified ^11
unist-util-visit ^5
update-notifier ^7
zustand ^4
@types/json-stable-stringify ^1
ink >=4
react >=18
node >=18
@inkjs/ui ^1
@octokit/rest ^20
commander ^12
conf ^12
consola ^3
ink ^4.2
lodash-es ^4
react ^18
update-notifier ^7
ink >=4
react >=18
node >=18
@inkjs/ui ^1
chalk ^5
commander ^12.0.0
conf ^12
consola ^3
cosmiconfig ^9
dotenv ^16
fast-deep-equal ^3
glob ^10
gpt-tokenizer ^2
gray-matter ^4
ink ^4.2
json-stable-stringify ^1
just-diff ^6
lodash-es ^4
p-map ^7
pangu ^4
react ^18
remark-frontmatter ^4
remark-gfm ^3
remark-parse ^10
remark-stringify ^10
swr ^2
unified ^11
unist-util-visit ^5
update-notifier ^7
zustand ^4
@types/json-stable-stringify ^1
ink >=4
react >=18
node >=18
- [ ] Check this box to trigger a request for Renovate to run again on this repository