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A feature complete and high performance multi-group Raft library in Go.

Results 53 dragonboat issues
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`ErrClusterClosed` when removing leader, but the node is removed We use backoff on `SyncRequestDeleteNode` and second attempt fails with `ErrClusterNotFound`. It looks like deleting a node is faster than getting...

``` panic: /home/user/repos/storage-69397425/3/raft/dev/00000000000000000001/snapshot-part-1/snapshot-1-3 doesn't exist when creating /home/user/repos/storage-69397425/3/raft/dev/00000000000000000001/snapshot-part-1/snapshot-1-3/snapshot-00000000000003E9-3.generating goroutine 350 [running]: github.com/lni/dragonboat/v3/internal/fileutil.Mkdir({0xc004358280, 0x97}, {0x1639918, 0x1d79520}) /home/user/go/pkg/mod/github.com/lni/dragonboat/[email protected]/internal/fileutil/utils.go:122 +0x2dc github.com/lni/dragonboat/v3/internal/server.(*SSEnv).createDir(0xc01f9486f0, {0xc004358280, 0x97}) /home/user/go/pkg/mod/github.com/lni/dragonboat/[email protected]/internal/server/snapshotenv.go:251 +0x86 github.com/lni/dragonboat/v3/internal/server.(*SSEnv).CreateTempDir(0xc01f9486f0) /home/user/go/pkg/mod/github.com/lni/dragonboat/[email protected]/internal/server/snapshotenv.go:200 +0x45 github.com/lni/dragonboat/v3.(*snapshotter).Save(_, {_, _}, {0x3, 0x3e9,...

The flag was set in the rsm close handler, the close sometimes happens twice. At the second closing, we throw out the panic: ``` github.com/lni/dragonboat/v3/internal/rsm.(*OnDiskStateMachine).Close(0xc00032c000) /go/pkg/mod/github.com/lni/dragonboat/[email protected]/internal/rsm/adapter.go:338 +0x43 github.com/lni/dragonboat/v3/internal/rsm.(*NativeSM).Close(0xc0004260d0) /go/pkg/mod/github.com/lni/dragonboat/[email protected]/internal/rsm/managed.go:150 +0x4a...

Provide callbacks on more raft states. Need to check with users to see what they need.


This could be a tuning problem, but it seems that my raft cluster has been stuck in a voting loop for quite some time. This surfaced in production when a...

Please consider this small PR that helps to find out, what's exactly wrong with NodeHost configuration. It also requires https://github.com/lni/goutils/pull/1 to be merged. Thank you!

StopCluster should wait for the node to be fully unloaded. This will prevent two instances of the same node appear in the execution pipeline.


Hi i bulid a version base on dragonboat-example/helloworld, Dragonboat can just sustain writes at 14 w/s when payload is 16 bytes each. 1.389829122s 6.949 micros/op, 143902.58 op/s, 0.000000 err/rate It...

I've been trying all those exciting Paxos variants in the past few weeks. Will add some of them to dragonboat in H2, 2021 (towards the end of 2021). Yes, Dragonboat...


I was wondering if there is way to get notified about clusters a node is part of, but has not joined yet. Let's say a node `N` is a voting...