Takashi Yoneuchi
Takashi Yoneuchi
tree-sitter grammar is [here](https://github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter-javascript).
tree-sitter grammar is [here](https://github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter-typescript).
tree-sitter grammar is [here](https://github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter-ruby).
tree-sitter grammar is [here](https://github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter-python). We need to resolve some formatting issues though.
tree-sitter grammar is [here](https://github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter-php).
Some Google products (Firebase for example) rely on Common Expression Language (CEL), although there's no public implementation of tree-sitter grammar. It would be helpful if we had one and could...
# Problem Currently Shisho reports suggested changes, but it can't replace files with the changes automatically. # Possible Solutions It'd be great if we could overwrite files automatically with `--overwrite`...