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Weather not updating

Open anthonyjclarke opened this issue 6 years ago • 8 comments

I'm finding that intermittently the weather is not updating, I'm not plugged into a serial monitor so can't see any logs... clock timing is spot on... but a couple of times I see the weather is way out....

A simple reset, reconnect and it gets corrected.

Any suggestions, please?

anthonyjclarke avatar Sep 11 '18 20:09 anthonyjclarke

hmm.. it depends a lot on the response (if any) from the weather server (assuming both devices use the same data source). without the serial log, I cannot tell what's happening unfortunately.

btw, weather data refreshes every 5minutes at the 30th second (you'll see the morph animation stop for about 5-7sec - in my setup).

lmirel avatar Sep 12 '18 09:09 lmirel

ok, Will reconnect to Computer, done, logging serial port, this seems to happen every day. Will post serial log when error occurs again!

anthonyjclarke avatar Sep 12 '18 20:09 anthonyjclarke

ok, it happened.... :(

Here is some of the serial log... doesnt seem to be much there?

I've no way of knowing if its because it loses internet connection? or what else?

How often does the NTP "Got NTP time" get checked?

Here is the log, you can see I then did a reset and all started working again.

i:connecting to weather server.. w:unable to connect showing the weather temperature: 21C weather conditions 2 showing the weather temperature: 21C weather conditions 2 showing the weather temperature: 21C weather conditions 2 showing the weather temperature: 21C weather conditions 2 showing the weather temperature: 21C weather conditions 2 i:connecting to weather server.. w:unable to connect showing the weather temperature: 21C weather conditions 2 showing the weather temperature: 21C weather conditions 2 showing the weather temperature: 21C weather conditions 2 showing the weather temperature: 21C weather conditions 2 rl.lúû|.ål‡|....å.lÏ.b|éÇ.Ï.íríbå.båÚnnûlnnú‚Ï.b.pÏélrlrlpÚn‡....Ç.l.åú...b.n‚|.lÏ..ébåÚnnÓ.låél.ê..nn.l...nréíín..b.ú.l.ríín..b.ú.lú‚l.éúépéål`.¸Çnú.*WM: Adding parameter *WM: timeZone *WM: Adding parameter *WM: military *WM: Adding parameter *WM: metric *WM: Adding parameter *WM: date_fmt No Double Reset Detected *WM: *WM: AutoConnect *WM: Connecting as wifi client... *WM: Using last saved values, should be faster *WM: Connection result: *WM: 3 *WM: IP Address: *WM: timezone=+10 military=N metric=Y date-format=D.M.Y WiFi connected, IP address: i:connecting to weather server.. connected. weather:{"coord":{"lon":151.11,"lat":-33.81},"weather":[{"id":800,"main":"Clear","description":"clear sky","icon":"01d"}],"base":"stations","main":{"temp":26.18,"pressure":1014,"humidity":56,"temp_min":23,"temp_max":29},"visibility":10000,"wind":{"speed":8.2,"deg":40},"clouds":{"all":0},"dt":1536897600,"sys":{"type":1,"id":8233,"message":0.0053,"country":"AU","sunrise":1536868602,"sunset":1536911177},"id":2150767,"name":"Ryde","cod":200} cond Clear temp 26.18 press 1014 humi 56 display color range [0 .. 65535] day mode brightness showing the weather temperature: 26C weather conditions 1 showing the date Got NTP time: 14:44:53 14/09/2018 showing the weather temperature: 26C weather conditions 1 showing the date showing the weather temperature: 26C weather conditions 1

anthonyjclarke avatar Sep 14 '18 21:09 anthonyjclarke

you seem to have an unreliable wireless / internet connection. this message appears in consecutive attempts to retrieve weather data unsuccessfully:

i:connecting to weather server.. w:unable to connect

lmirel avatar Sep 15 '18 09:09 lmirel

Got NTP time

this depends on the sync interval which in the beginning is shorter but after a successful sync it slows to once a day or something

lmirel avatar Sep 15 '18 09:09 lmirel

did you find the issue? it might help others troubleshoot their own. thanks

lmirel avatar Sep 18 '18 05:09 lmirel

Unfortunately not. I have two Wifi networks at home, tried the other and same thing happened after 24 hours. I'm waiting for some of these to arrive, will rebuild the hardware incase it was my ESP32 so I can try and pinpoint the issue... I'll keep this open so I can update!

Is there anywhere in the code that perhaps we could look to "check if internet connected" and if not "reconnect"?

anthonyjclarke avatar Sep 18 '18 21:09 anthonyjclarke

unfortunately, the connectivity is handled via the WiFiManager forcing a reconnect every time we need to contact the weather server would require quite a bit of refactoring.

lmirel avatar Sep 19 '18 07:09 lmirel