MorphingClockRemix copied to clipboard
New Version of PxMatrix and No Display
I have upgraded to the new version of PxMatrix and the screen is now blank. I have tried other tests and I know the screen works with this version. Can you take a look and see if there is something in your files that may be causing an issue. I am getting serial output with the correct data just nothing on the screen.
Same for me
I haven't compiled this for a long time and unfortunately I don't see how I can find the time to try this any time soon. are there any examples with the PxMatrix lib? do those examples work?
Yes samples in PxMatrix Lib work for me!
@anthonyjclarke did you get this fixed? Pattern test works for me in the examples.
Not fixed this yet, was going to try 1.7. On my todo list
I bought a new matrix thinking the one I had was toast ;( I'll move to an old version of PxMatrix and see if I can get it back up and running. Ok Got it working again! use this: the latest PxMatrix does not work with the updated MorphClockRemix for some reason (also doesn't work with the original MorphClock)
it seems the new PxMatrix requires a few new things:
#define PxMATRIX_double_buffer true
#include <PxMatrix.h>
instead of:
#define double_buffer
#include <PxMatrix.h>
then at the end of the loop() function, you'll need:
It might not hurt to have also:
display.begin (16);
in the setup() function, instead of just:
display.begin (16);
Let me know if this works for you.
This worked for me! Thanks for the update.