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Pytorch implementation of our paper accepted by IEEE TNNLS, 2021 -- Network Pruning using Adaptive Exemplar Filters

Network Pruning using Adaptive Exemplar Filters .


Any problem, please contact the first author (Email: [email protected]) or the third author (Email: [email protected]). Also, you can post issues with github, but sometimes we could not receive github emails thus may ignore the posted issues (sorry if it happens).

Pre-trained Models

We provide the pre-trained models used in our paper.


| VGG16 | ResNet56 | ResNet110 |GoogLeNet |


| ResNet18 | ResNet34 | ResNet50 | ResNet101 | ResNet152 |

Result Models

We provide our pruned models in the experiments, along with their training loggers and configurations.


Preference Beta Inititial Method FLOPs
(Prune Rate)
(Prune Rate)
VGG16 0.73 centroids 74.42M(76.34%) 1.65M(88.80%) 93.08% Link
VGG16 0.73 random 74.42M(76.34%) 1.65M(88.80%) 92.61% Link
VGG16 0.73 random_project 74.42M(76.34%) 1.65M(88.80%) 92.95% Link
GoogLeNet 0.65 centroids 500.87M(67.36%) 2.22M(64.20%) 94.99% Link
GoogLeNet 0.65 random 500.87M(67.36%) 2.22M(64.20%) 94.19% Link
GoogLeNet 0.65 random_project 500.87M(67.36%) 2.22M(64.20%) 94.49% Link
ResNet56 0.76 centroids 49.35M(61.33%) 0.39M(54.20%) 93.18% Link
ResNet56 0.76 random 49.35M(61.33%) 0.39M(54.20%) 91.45% Link
ResNet56 0.76 random_project 49.35M(61.33%) 0.39M(54.20%) 92.44% Link
ResNet110 0.6 centroids 87.65M(65.91%) 0.41M(76.30%) 93.62% Link
ResNet110 0.6 random 87.65M(65.91%) 0.41M(76.30%) 92.44% Link
ResNet110 0.6 random_project 87.65M(65.91%) 0.41M(76.30%) 93.02% Link


Preference Beta Initial Method FLOPs
(Prune Rate)
(Prune Rate)
ResNet18 0.73 centroids 1024.01M(43.88%) 6.05M(48.52%) 67.31% 87.70% Link
ResNet18 0.73 random 1024.01M(43.88%) 6.05M(48.52%) 66.46% 87.13% Link
ResNet18 0.73 random_project 1024.01M(43.88%) 6.05M(48.52%) 66.68% 87.45% Link
ResNet34 0.75 centroids 1853.92M(49.61%) 10.24M(53.24%) 70.95% 89.97% Link
ResNet34 0.75 random 1853.92M(49.61%) 10.24M(53.24%) 70.71% 89.78% Link
ResNet34 0.75 random_project 1853.92M(49.61%) 10.24M(53.24%) 70.79% 89.91% Link
ResNet50 0.73 centroids 1929.15M(53.35%) 12.70M(50.31%) 74.26% 91.88% Link
ResNet50 0.73 random 1929.15M(53.35%) 12.70M(50.31%) 73.54% 91.55% Link
ResNet50 0.73 random_project 1929.15M(53.35%) 12.70M(50.31%) 73.80% 91.83% Link
ResNet101 0.67 centroids 2817.27M(64.20%) 15.55M(65.10%) 75.45% 92.70% Link
ResNet101 0.67 random 2817.27M(64.20%) 15.55M(65.10%) 75.15% 92.25% Link
ResNet101 0.67 random_project 2817.27M(64.20%) 15.55M(65.10%) 75.31% 92.50% Link
ResNet152 0.63 centroids 4047.69M(65.12%) 21.56M(64.18%) 76.51% 93.22% Link
ResNet152 0.63 random 4047.69M(65.12%) 21.56M(64.18%) 76.15% 92.97% Link
ResNet152 0.63 random_project 4047.69M(65.12%) 21.56M(64.18%) 76.43% 93.14% Link
ResNet50 0.71 centroids 2366.80M(42.77%) 21.98M(13.99%) 74.95% - Link
ResNet50 0.81 centroids 1290.35M(68.63%) 14.78M(42.15%) 72.73% - Link
ResNet50 0.85 centroids 905.89M(78.10%) 8.65M(66.15%) 70.34% - Link

Running Code

The code has been tested using Pytorch1.3 and CUDA10.0 on Ubuntu16.04.

Requirements: Sklearn 0.20.1


You can run the following code to search model on CIFAR-10:

python epruner_cifar.py 
--dataset cifar10 
--data_path /data/CIFAR10/ 
--pretrain_model /data/model/resnet56.pt 
--job_dir /data/experiment/resnet56 
--arch resnet 
--cfg resnet56 
--init_method centroids 
--preference_beta 0.76 
--lr 0.01 
--lr_decay_step 50 100 
--num_epochs 150 
--train_batch_size 256 
--weight_decay 5e-3 
--gpus 0

You can run the following code to search model on ImageNet:

python epruner_imagenet.py 
--dataset imagenet 
--data_path /data/ImageNet/ 
--pretrain_model /data/model/resnet50.pth 
--job_dir /data/experiment/resnet50 
--arch resnet 
--cfg resnet50 
--init_method centroids 
--preference_beta 0.75 
--lr 0.1 
--lr_decay_step 30 60 
--num_epochs 90 
--train_batch_size 256 
--weight_decay 1e-4 
--gpus 0 1 2 

Test Our Performance

Before you testing our model, please use the following command to install the thop python package which can calculate the flops and params of model:

pip install thop

Follow the command below to verify our pruned models:

python test_flops_params.py
--dataset cifar10 
--data_path /data/CIFAR10 
--arch resnet 
--cfg resnet56
--pruned_model /data/model/pruned_model/resnet56/model_best.pt 
--eval_batch_size 100
--gpus 0

Other Arguments

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --gpus GPUS [GPUS ...]
                        Select gpu_id to use. default:[0]
  --dataset DATASET     Select dataset to train. default:cifar10
  --data_path DATA_PATH
                        The dictionary where the input is stored.
  --job_dir JOB_DIR     The directory where the summaries will be stored.
  --arch ARCH           Architecture of model. default:resnet
  --cfg CFG             Detail architecuture of model. default:resnet56
  --num_epochs NUM_EPOCHS
                        The num of epochs to train. default:150
  --train_batch_size TRAIN_BATCH_SIZE
                        Batch size for training. default:256
  --eval_batch_size EVAL_BATCH_SIZE
                        Batch size for validation. default:100
  --momentum MOMENTUM   Momentum for MomentumOptimizer. default:0.9
  --lr LR               Learning rate for train. default:1e-2
  --lr_decay_step LR_DECAY_STEP [LR_DECAY_STEP ...]
                        the iterval of learn rate. default:50, 100
  --weight_decay WEIGHT_DECAY
                        The weight decay of loss. default:5e-4
  --pretrain_model PRETRAIN_MODEL
                        Path to the pretrain model . default:None
  --init_method INIT_METHOD
                        Initital method of pruned model. default:centroids.
  --preference_beta PREFERENCE_BETA
                        The coefficient of preference used in
                        AffinityPropagation cluster. default:0.75