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Add a "Find" feature to guide you to certain resources/locations/features
This suggestion somewhat ties in with the ability to save routes/create routes (#28), have harvest/loot timers (#65) and have a direction line (#57) and could become insanely powerful for creating routes.
We would need a UI change to the filter list to add a magnifying glass icon next to each filter and this would add the filter to a "find" list.
You can then add three hotkeys to the minimap for "Find next", "Find previous" and "Looted", The first next will find the next closest node, the find previous would go back to the previous closest node and the "looted" would mark that node as looted which would activate the timers mentioned in #65, if they use this hotkey it would automatically trigger the "find next" function.
It might even be worth adding a slider to define how far away the resource is from your current location to trigger a notification / guidance line. For example if you are walking along and you have it set to find gold at 50m or less, if you walk to within 50m of a gold node a new line could appear on your map/minimap and maybe even have a "ding" notification noise to alert you.
You could even modify the #28 to have two extra settings one would be enable "Resource detours" with a slider to define how far you are allowed to go off course by to reach certain enabled resources and the other setting would be to list what resources you are willing to take a detour for.
It would even be possible (though a lot more work) to make some automatic routing based on terrain, we would have to have a map of the terrain showing mountain ranges with 2 different types of "range" lines. (If the mountain can be traversed from one side then it would need to allow the pathing to route straight over it if they are coming from the correct side(s), if it can't be traversed then it would have to path them around the mountain range. This would also apply to impassable waters.
If we speak about farming routes, we speak about efficiency.
- How much can I farm in a certain amount of time?
- Do I have a certain location where I want to end my farming run? Do I even want to run in a circle (route takes as long as nodes needs to respawn)?
Efficiency is not given if the app gives me the nearest node one by one, not knowing "the big picture". The app might lead me to 5 nearest nodes, but in the end in the same time I would've gotten 10 nodes via another, more intelligent route. But this is only a certain scenario from a perspective where we are on a farming run.
There are other scenarios. I see the following features as potentially useful:
The user is not on a specific farming run, but wants to go from A to B. The map / mini map highlights (e.g. magenta red border, and/or bigger border) all nodes from a chosen marker type within a distance set by the user (bonus: a thin line is dran from the player to the nearest of those nodes), so he can occasionally farm a bit while on his journey: Downside: While the user goes off his original path way to farm a node, the next nearest node might be even more far off to the original intended path, leading to the well known "Oh, a rock! Oh, another rock! Damn, why I am suddenly at the end of the world? Where was I heading again?". Helpful here: The user can set a custom private destination marker and a line is drawn from the player to that marker constantly. So while he is going off the path a bit he always knows the direction he needs to go in the end. Very helpful in the mini map I think.
The user is on a specific farming run. The app uses an intelligent algorithm, a path finder. The user sets a custom marker as the destination and the app calculates the best way to get the most nodes within a set distance limit. Here my English struggles a bit to explain it. An example: The air distance from my location to my destination is 100 m. On my way I want to find the most silver nodes possible, but only up the an additional 100m. The app now calculates in which scenario the player get the most nodes within this given roule (by calculating distances between the single nodes). Additional possible features: If the player goes off his path too far, the app automatically recalculates the path. But I guess developing that would be... a very big project. :)