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the vue toolkit based on echarts


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  1. 官方团队Baidu EFE team有出一个vue封装的echarts库vue-echarts 。但是这个库和自己在vue里面封装没有啥太大区别。仍旧摆脱不了针对一个图表写一个巨大的配置文件。
  2. 参考BizChartsG2这个库的封装方式,对echarts进行了封装。相对而言API更方便使用
  3. ~~使用ts-transformer-keys,从echarts导出的XXOption自动生成vue组件props~~


yarn add vuecharts3


  1. 定义一个Chart组件作为画布
  2. echarts官方配置项每一个配置项使用统一的工厂函数构造成Vue Component
  3. 项目导出组件列表(新增支持echarts-gl)
series Line, Bar, Pie, Scatter, EffectScatter, Radar, Tree, Treemap, Sunburst, Boxplot, Candlestick, Heatmap, Map, Parallel, Lines, Graph, Sankey, Funnel, Gauge, PictorialBar, ThemeRiver, Custom
axis XAxis, YAxis, Polar, RadiusAxis, AngleAxis, RadarAxis, ParallelCoordinates(parallel), ParallelAxis, SingleAxis, Calendar
dataZoom DataZoom, Inside, Slider
visualMap VisualMap, Continuous, Piecewise
graphic Graphic, Group, Image, Text, Rect, Circle, Ring, Sector, Arc, Polygon, Polyline, GraphicLine(graphic.elements-line), BezierCurve
other Title, Legend, Grid, Tooltip, AxisPointer, Toolbox, Brush, Geo, Timeline, Dataset, Aria
gl Globe, Geo3d, Mapbox3d, Grid3D, XAxis3D, YAxis3D, ZAxis3D, Scatter3D, Bar3D, Line3D, Lines3D, Map3D, Surface, Polygons3D, ScatterGL, GraphGL, FlowGL


import 'echarts'
import Echarts from 'vuecharts3'

const { Chart, Title, Tooltip, Line, Bar, Legend, Grid, XAxis, YAxis } = Echarts

export default defineComponent({

  components: {
    Title, Tooltip, Bar, Line, Legend, Grid, XAxis, YAxis,

  setup() {
    return {}

// template

  <div class="container">
      <Grid :top="100" />
      <Legend :data="['data1', 'data2']" :top="65" />
      <Title text="顶部标题" subtext="顶部小标题" left="center" :top="10" />
      <Title text="底部标题" top="bottom" left="center" />
      <Bar name="data1" :data="[0.32, 0.45, 0.2]" />
      <Bar name="data2" :data="[0.2, 0.5, 0.3]" />
      <Line name="data2" :data="[0.2, 0.5, 0.3]" />
      <YAxis />
      <XAxis :data="['x1', 'x2', 'x3']" />
      <Tooltip trigger="axis" />
      <Tooltip position="top" />
      <Grid top="10%" height="50%" />
      <XAxis :data="hours" />
      <YAxis :data="days" type="category" />
      <VisualMap :calculable="true" orient='horizontal' left='center' bottom="15%" :min="0" max="10" />
      <Heatmap name="Punch Card" :data="data" :label="{show: true}" :emphasis="{itemStyle: { shadowBlur: 10, shadowColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)'}}" />



  1. 通过自定义组件实现官方切换图像的example
import { contextSymbol } from 'vuecharts3'

const TreemapSunburstTransition = defineComponent({
  name: 'TreemapSunburstTransition',
  inject: [contextSymbol],
  setup() {
    const { chart } = inject(contextSymbol)
    const interval = ref()
    const state = reactive({
      data: null,
      type: '',

    const url = ""
    fetch(url).then(res => res.json()).then(data => { = data.children
      console.log('data.value', data.children)
      interval.value = setInterval(function () {
        state.type = state.type == 'treemap' ? 'sunburst' : 'treemap'
        console.log('state.type', state.type)
      }, 3000);
    onUnmounted(() => clearInterval(interval.value))
    return () => state.type == 'treemap' ?
      h(Treemap, {
        id: 'echarts-package-size',
        animationDurationUpdate: 1000,
        roam: false,
        nodeClick: undefined,
        universalTransition: true,
        label: {
          show: true
        breadcrumb: {
          show: false
      }) : h(Sunburst, {
        id: 'echarts-package-size',
        radius: ['20%', '90%'],
        animationDurationUpdate: 1000,
        nodeClick: undefined,
        universalTransition: true,
        itemStyle: {
          borderWidth: 1,
          borderColor: 'rgba(255,255,255,.5)'
        label: {
          show: false

// template
  <TreemapSunburstTransition />