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A type-safe, reflection-free, powerful enumeration implementation for Scala with exhaustive pattern match warnings and helpful integrations.

Results 39 enumeratum issues
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I would want to wrap constants from Java to provide more context not just pure numbers. Imagine I have the following in Java: ```java package schema; public final class PointCloudType...

Looking at Scala 3, the [enumerations](https://dotty.epfl.ch/docs/reference/enums/enums.html) built into the language look pretty good. The questions are 1. What should `enumeratum` look like in a Scala 3 world? * What problems...

`.toString` on case objects is generated by Scala compiler, not overridden by Enumeratum... so when a `entryName`-mangling mixin like `UpperSnakecase` is involved, `.toString` and `.entryName` return different things. To avoid...

Hi, Could you please add support for a colon (:) `EnumEntry` as in: `Coloncase => colon:case` `UpperColoncase => UPPER:COLON:CASE` `CapitalColoncase => Capital:Colon:Case`

Quill now has Scala.JS 1 support (without Scala 2.11 support for Scala.js).

Hello 👋 Big fan here. We have been adding these codecs instances manually so far and I thought they may as well be defined in this library instead. Let me...

Hi, I'm using akka-http with SprayJsonSupport, it would be awesome to add spray json support out of box.

I created a mimimal example in this PR (#331). Not sure if anything can be fixed in `enumeratum` code, although.

Attempt to define a problem with a failed unit-test. I am not sure if anything can be fixed in enumeratum code. The problem is defined in [Scala FAQ: "Why is...

Very similar issue to #227 . If you use `DoobieEnum` with postgres enum types, you get errors like: `"org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: column "shirt" is of type shirtsize but expression is of...