easylzma copied to clipboard
An easy to use, tiny, public domain, C wrapper library around Igor Pavlov's work that can be used to compress and extract lzma files.
thanks for your lib. Line 61 of compress.c elzma_compress_free did not clean up the hand when freeing the memory, resulting in a memory leak every time compression is performed. According...
Attached file can be compressed but get return code 17 when try to decompress it. Looks like a bug to me. [input.zip](https://github.com/lloyd/easylzma/files/2137092/input.zip)
Hi , can I use this to decompress files in iOS , is there any examples I can see to decompress files in iOS
Hi, i have some questions 1. What is the difference between Igor Pavlov's SDK in c and EASYLZMA. 2. How much memory allocation it require when using lc=0 , pb=3,...
Well,this libs is very easy to use lama. but ,I found there are some Memory leaks problems。In simple.c file //int simpleCompress(elzma_file_format format, const unsigned char \* inData, // size_t inLen,...
These commits fix four different memory leaks found in easylzma, including one in the compress.c library code.