L. Le Meur
L. Le Meur
It is true that I use "inverted" scrolling direction on my Mac, but on the bottom area, scroll & page turn are active in the "original" direction: user configuration is...
Thanks for the information @Jaifroid. We will definitely study this evolution (but it will not be developed in the short term).
I created a simpler PR to get something released soon, https://github.com/readium/webpub-manifest/pull/97. We may update this profile if we agree to add content from @mwbenowitz proposal later.
Note that I would be in favour of a generic `start` relationship, not only used in the PDF profile.
Note also that this "start" is in fact a landmark. There is a mechanism defined in Web Publications for landmarks, based on the EPUB solution. It is like a TOC,...
I just updated the codebase of the LCP server to generate "problem details" according to the spec (there was no param "type" in the structures). Now a problem details is...
a "detail" appears in some cases, e.g. if I send a register request with a valid license id but an empty id: { "type": "http://readium.org/license-status-document/error/registration", "title": "Bad Request", "status":...
The information we should be able to access from Thorium are title and detail. It would be useful in order to find some ugly issues LCP license providers may face.
The LCP Server can easily be configured so that Status documents contain a specific renew URL. The corresponding config parameter is license_status/renew_page_url. I tested the solution with a simple URL....
Let's take a new license, with a new passphrase (unknown from the reading app). 1/ I import the license -> 1.a/ status request. This one is useful, as we could...