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RRule Examples
Learning python dateutil rrule and how it applies to the params
field in events is a bit daunting.
Any chance you can post here some common examples?
Possible Simple Rules:
- Event repeats Monthly
- Event repeats Weekly
- Event repeats Daily
- Event repeats Hourly
Possible more complex examples:
- Event repeats weekdays (M,T,W,T,F)
- Event repeats 3x a day on Monday and Wednesday
I'd even take some links to unit tests! :)
This section of the dateutil docs is semi-helpful:
You can add general rrule params in the params field separated by semicolons in the format:
interval:2; count:2;
Thanks @lggwettmann
I was thinking it would be helpful to post some examples of commonly used rules and how to configure them (since there are no defaults) without needing a complete understanding of python date rrules.
Even a link in the docs models section to this bit would be helpful:
This is getting into the territory of "I should probably submit a PR". If I have time I'll try to put something together.
Hallo guys
is there some reason why to not use dateutil.rrule.rrulestr for parsing rule params? for example i want repeat rule on first Monday every month, can i achieve this in scheduler Rule params?
with rrulestr i can do:
In [32]: from dateutil.rrule import rrulestr
In [33]: from datetime import datetime
In [34]: rr = rrulestr("FREQ=MONTHLY;BYDAY=+1MO")
In [35]: now =
In [36]: now
Out[36]: datetime.datetime(2018, 11, 8, 12, 12, 42, 579411)
In [37]: rr.after(now)
Out[37]: datetime.datetime(2018, 12, 3, 12, 12, 34)
i have looked into code
probably only get_rrule_object
method of Event model is enough to rewrite
this is working for me:
def get_rrule_object(self, tzinfo):
if self.rule is None:
params = ['FREQ={}'.format(self.rule.frequency)]
if self.rule.params:
if timezone.is_naive(self.start):
dtstart = self.start
dtstart = tzinfo.normalize(self.start).replace(tzinfo=None)
if self.end_recurring_period is None:
until = None
elif timezone.is_naive(self.end_recurring_period):
until = self.end_recurring_period
until = tzinfo.normalize(
if until:
until = until.strftime('UNTIL=%Y%m%dT%H%M%S')
rule = ';'.join(params)
return rrulestr(rule, dtstart=dtstart)
Here are some examples:
"model": "
I wish @tyctor 's code can be merged, otherwise, special days can be a bit tricky. For the following yearly params:
Martin Luther King Jr. Day (Third Monday of the January): bymonth:1;byweekday:MO;bysetpos:3
US President Day (Third Monday of the February): bymonth:2;byweekday:MO;bysetpos:3
Good Friday (Friday before Easter): byeaster:-2
Easter day (first Sunday after the full Moon that occurs on or after the spring equinox): byeaster:0
Mothers day(2nd Sunday in May): bymonth:5;byweekday:SU;bysetpos:2
US Father's day(3rd Sunday in Jun): bymonth:6;byweekday:SU;bysetpos:3
Columbus Day(the second Monday of October): bymonth:10;byweekday:MO;bysetpos:2
US Memorial day (Last Monday of May) : bymonth:5;byweekday:MO;bysetpos:-1
US Labor day (1st Monday of September): bymonth:9;byweekday:MO;bysetpos:1
US Thanksgiving (4th Thursday in November): bymonth:11;byweekday:TH;bysetpos:4
Now could anyone try Juneteenth? (June 19th each year, also observed on the closest weekday if it lands on a weekend )
Please provide a PR and I will be happy to merge this.