https://github.com/jazzband/django-dbbackup This might provide a more elegant solution for backing up media files along with database data.
Using something like celery we can potentially defer non-essential or expensive tasks that occur at result submission, such as the bot stats update and ELO graph generation. This will make...
I've noticed when being promoted, a bot's win rate will adversely affected due to meeting more challenging opponents. This is especially exacerbated for a bot which learns it's opponents, like...
Currently the stats generation displays placement matches. This means the ELO graph shows a large dip down from the starting 1600 ELO and the `Highest ELO` stat is always ~1600....
Some viewers on the goodgame stream have noted that the flat48 matches are dull to watch. Adding a competition "interest" modifier could allow it to be used to reduce or...
Currently if an ArenaClient encounters an error during a match, it submits a match result of ERROR type. This means that match has a result and will not be replayed....
In my quick testing, the next-replay endpoint used for the stream (path /api/stream/next-replay/) takes upwards of 30 seconds to return a list of 100 results. This can likely quite easily...
WINE is no longer installed on the ACs and so the cppwin32 bot type should be removed as an option for new bots.
Currently closed competitions get in the way of open competitions on a bot's page.  Ideally the closed competitions will be hidden with a "show more" option to expand the...
Good for drawing users' attention to the wiki and also visibility on documentation updates.