Currently you cannot know that a bot is written in e.g. rust, because the bot type is `cpplinux`. Adding the bot language will resolve this. Potentially the bot type can...
Add a playback speed to be included in the stream API results. The stream can then use this to dictate the replay speed when playing it on stream. This will...
So sponsors can receive website benefits + rewards for contributing to projects.
This match is marked as cancelled, but it has files (e.g. replay) stored in the backend for it: https://aiarena.net/matches/1500865/
There's no need to list "Division 1" on a competition's page when there is only one division. Same deal for the bot page rankings section - replace division number with...
Occasionally, a deadlock will occur when attempting to lock a competition participation. Instead of the entire stats gen job falling over, it should at minimum skip the competition participation in...
As per Satik's message here: https://discord.com/channels/350289306763657218/378866465807269888/1146201057706397868 In the data API rounds endpoint, the competition query type is a string - should be an integer. 
The detail page for matches in the admin section tags a long time to load because it's loading every tag in the database. As a fix, the widget for associated...
When a user is activating/deactivating a bot from a competition, the list of competitions makes it hard to discern which are active. Ideally old competitions should be hidden so as...