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How to install in nuxt project?
I want use vuesax in nuxt, how to install it?
There is no option to install vuesax anymore in nuxt, and it was for old vuesax anyway, but i guess you can get inspiration from the old nuxt template :
it's for vue2, but i think the same principles apply for vue3 :
import Vuesax from 'vuesax3';
import 'vuesax3/dist/vuesax.css' ;
export default defineNuxtPlugin((nuxtApp) => {
and then you simply use the vuesax components in your pages/components
@lk77 Thanks for the solution. I've tried with nuxt ^3.8.1, vue ^3.3.8, and vuesax3 ^4.2.1, yet encountered a complain of type definition:
Argument of type '(app: any, options: any) => void' is not assignable to parameter of type 'Plugin<[]>'.
Type '(app: any, options: any) => void' is not assignable to type '((app: App<any>) => any) & { install?: ((app: App<any>) => any) | undefined; }'.
Type '(app: any, options: any) => void' is not assignable to type '(app: App<any>) => any'.
Target signature provides too few arguments. Expected 2 or more, but got 1.ts(2345)
I had to edit the module declaration to make Vuesax working.
declare module "vuesax3" {
export default function install(app: any): any
Not sure whether this modification is recommended...
@yuyanghh i guess i could do that :
declare module "vuesax3" {
export default function install(app: any, options?:any): any
in the meantime i think you can do :
nuxtApp.vueApp.use(Vuesax, {})
it should not complain anymore
Yes! The warning is gone! Thanks a lot!
@yuyanghh i published an alpha version with the changes to index.d.ts among other things, could you try it and tell me if your issue is fixed without the {}
@lk77 Thanks a lot for the update. It fixed the issue.