Laura Harris
Laura Harris
This bug is generated by the old curation app, therefore should not arise after moving this part of the workflow to depocuration - moving to icebox
Note to self: find out where AF data in GWAS UI comes from
Ensembl have now released 107, which contains major updates to human. the planned remap should be to 107 not 106
Moving to icebox as Ensembl advised we do not need to map to this version
Updated with comments as we now have a second CNV submission in the pipeline, and the first is published
Notes, current CNV submissions are GCP000324 and PMID35240056
@jdhayhurst assigning this to you to incorporate in the new template validation
@ala-ebi I think this issue of matching on EFO shortform or label is already being worked on, is there a ticket for that?
@ala-ebi I think it is gwas-curation-service#138, no need for action from you, thanks
@ar-ibrahim if possible could you please prioritise this one, we would like to publish it before the end of the year