ha-email-sensor copied to clipboard
Email Sensor for collecting tracking numbers from over 40 providers.
When I try to connect to my MS Exchange with self signed certificate it fails with ``` email: Error on device update! [...] ssl.SSLCertVerificationError: [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: self...
Could you please try to add Royal Mail tracking? tracking page: https://www.royalmail.com/track-your-item APIs: https://www.royalmail.com/business/tools-services/apis something what looks like a third party implementation: https://github.com/clooney/royal-mail
## Version of the custom_component: 3.7.0 Running Hassio on Raspberry Pi4 (not docker, but Hass-OS) ## YAML: - platform: email email: *****@***.com password: ******* imap_server: imap.*****.com folder: Unbekannt ## Logs:...
The parser is not currently searching for the special case "early shipping" email subject from Amazon. I am including an example of the text as it appears in the email...
Please, implement CORREIOS, the Brazilian mail office: Official website: https://rastreamento.correios.com.br/app/index.php Others: https://www.linkcorreios.com.br/ https://rastreiocorreios.com.br/ https://www.nuvemshop.com.br/ferramentas/rastreio-encomendas
It would be great if you add InPost integration. API is avilable here: https://dokumentacja-inpost.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PL/pages/11731050/1.7.3+Tracking+przesy+ki
How do you get the Georgia Power portion to work, I have Alabama Power, assume it would be similar (I get the daily emails that say Paperless support - either...
Can you add auspost support?