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This repository is a Python package with all of the functions and python libraries required for the Dartmouth fMRI Analysis Course taught by Prof Luke Chang, PhD.

Results 18 dartbrains issues
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I tried to follow the data analysis step by step, but the FILE "fmriprep" in "data/preproc/fmriprep" for separating signal from noise with ICA section, and FILE "localizer" in ".../data/localizer" for...

there were some broken links that i wound up replacing with the waybackmachine (i.e., cached/web archived) version, just so that the content could be preserved. if you want to replace...

- [ ] content/glossary: https://nltools.org/api/pandas.DataFrame.info.html - [ ] content/glossary: https://nltools.org/api/pandas.DataFrame.head.html

People with no programming background seem to struggle figuring out how to run lines of code. An explicit exercise where they have to figure out what each part of the...

# issue My colleagues and I are trying to go through these fantastic notebooks. And some of us hit this common error whenever we try to get data by >...

csf_mask = Brain_Data(os.path.join(base_dir, 'masks', 'csf.nii.gz')) csf_mask.threshold(upper=.7, binarize=True)

should be `layout.get_tr(derivatives=True)` due to pybids update


@ljchang any chance you can make the main branch the default/base branch [instead of master](https://www.zdnet.com/article/github-to-replace-master-with-main-starting-next-month/)? once you do, I can update the github action workflows to reflect this too. i'd...