logging-capabilities copied to clipboard
Working on adding proper multi version testing (#7), two tests fail in all versions of Gradle starting with 6.7-rc-1 (I might have not tested all of them, but most I...
[JBoss Logging](https://github.com/jboss-logging/jboss-logging) is yet another logging facade. It would be nice if the plugin was made aware of it. I believe that the following modules would need to have metadata/capabilities...
`ch.qos.reload4j:reload4j` is a log4j 1.x drop in replacement based on log4j `1.2.17` aiming to not contain any vulnerabilities. I believe that all it takes to make the plugin aware of...
Many thanks for this plugin! The detection part is working great for me, but I have a query on the configuration part. ## Recommended approach Within a Gradle project I'm...
When enforcing Log4J2 with a dependency that uses commons-logging the final result does not resolve to `log4j-jcl`. The current behavior also results into runtime errors. Only when manually adding `log4j-jcl`...
Given the existence of Slf4j 2.x and `log4j-slf4j2-impl`, this plugin needs to find a way to account for that as based on the Slf4j version in the graph, some capability...
Gradle 6.6 will introduce a configuration cache. This plugin can be applied and be compatible with the feature. However its build probably requires some work.
Currently, the plugin declares component metadata rules in the project, making it impossible to declare other rules in the settings. I think the plugin should be split to have the...
jcl104-over-slf4j is deprecated, having been renamed to org.slf4j:jcl-over-slf4j. A resolution strategy such as the below substitutes any transitive occurrence (likely to occur in legacy solutions): ` if (requested.name == "jcl104-over-slf4j")...
Looks like `com.amazon.redshift:redshift-jdbc42:` at least comes with a bundled Slf4J binding `org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder`. * Investigate which versions are affected * Decide whether or not this means the library must be accounted...