Louis Jacomet

Results 109 comments of Louis Jacomet

The issue is in the backlog of the relevant team and is prioritized by them. *** Thanks for taking the time to fix the reproducer. From what we know, there...

This issue needs a decision from the team responsible for that area. They have been informed. Response time may vary.

This is something that we are discussing internally and probably will discuss with Sonatype. An official plugin from Sonatype would be the best option since they own the protocol which...

This is a valid documentation issue. *** @helfese In the future, such documentation changes don't need an issue to be created.

This is a valid documentation issue. *** This is caused by `DefaultTask` inheriting its javadoc from `Task` where the link [works fine](https://docs.gradle.org/current/javadoc/org/gradle/api/Task.html#dependsOn-java.lang.Object...-) One fix could be to have that documentation...

This issue needs a decision from the team responsible for that area. They have been informed. Response time may vary.

From a user perspective, maintaining a custom `initscriptUrl` or pointing to a custom distribution is the same: change one URL. I don't think providing one more way to handle such...

This issue needs a decision from the team responsible for that area. They have been informed. Response time may vary. *** @gradle/bt-execution, please also see the question about providing a...

This is a valid documentation issue. *** Annotation processing should be documented as part of [building Java projects](https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/building_java_projects.html).

This feature request is in the backlog of the relevant team and is prioritized by them.