Louis Jacomet
Louis Jacomet
@melix Thanks for taking a look! I think your changes for `JvmVendorSpec` should be included in here indeed, for the reasons you stated. For `JvmImplementation`, I am not sure. We...
Possibly related: #19764
Indeed, these are deprecated and planned to be removed. Alternatives have been [documented](https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/upgrading_version_7.html#build_finished_events) but I can see that the Javadoc does not point to that information. Is your build emitting...
Gradle 7.5 will have more information on this deprecation and the alternatives that are configuration cache compatible.
Whenever Maven Local is at play, please take a look at https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/declaring_repositories.html#sec:case-for-maven-local tl;dr: Maven local is a cache for Maven but a real repo for Gradle. If a single file...
Given that this PR will have to do changes in dependency verification, make sure to account for the process changes in #21234
The fix made for Gradle 6.2 has too many unintended consequences on builds out there. So it will be reverted in 6.2.1 and a different fix will have to be...
The best thing you can do for now is make sure all projects have different `group:name` in your multi project, by setting the `group` at the project level and not...
Confirmed to be broken with 7.4
This issue is probably obsolete as smoke tests on the Gradle side are passing for the upcoming 8.0 release.