Louis Jacomet
Louis Jacomet
Currently the build does not accept the configuration cache because the license plugin used is not compatible.
Closing as obsolete since the plugin code moved elsewhere.
Replaced by: * gradlex-org/jvm-dependency-conflict-resolution#165
Hi @erdi , Thank you for your interest in the plugin. A PR is most definitely welcome.
Replaced by: * gradlex-org/jvm-dependency-conflict-resolution#162
Thanks for that report and it is a good point. I'll have to think a bit about the best approach for this one.
I am going to close this as obsolete. With the move to the [jvm-dependency-conflict-resolution plugin](https://github.com/gradlex-org/jvm-dependency-conflict-resolution/), rules defined in settings are an option.
Indeed, full support for [`slf4j` 2](https://github.com/ljacomet/logging-capabilities/issues/32) was never added. I still need to take a look at your PR.
According to [the documentation](https://logging.apache.org/log4j/2.x/log4j-slf4j-impl.html), this depends on the version of `slf4j` in use. I need to check what can be done there and whether this decision can be made automatically...