@coolman200 Thank you for the bug report. I reproduced it and found no error when I use the `shape` after `draw` and selecting all the objects in the [demo]( https://codesandbox.io/s/elegant-germain-s6gc0?file=/src/DrawBorad.js)....
@Congtrinh097 Thank you for the information. Could you please upload an example code for checking?
I am preparing to add layer functions. Please wait a minute!
@1shivsharma1 Thank you for the information. I checked this bug. I will fix it :)
@wowtqt @kelleymichelle Could you post this issue [here](https://github.com/nhn/tui.editor)? Sorry for the inconvenience. @sinecharta This repository will be archived. Issues are being managed [here](https://github.com/nhn/tui.editor).
@HYEN35 Thank you for your report. I'll check and fix it.
@helal-apex ImageEditor does not support saving images to a server or database directly. I think you should develop some (get image & API call for saving the image to your...
@lambamahesh @RKTZ A good proposal. I agree with your proposal.
@jayaramCardbyte I don't understand the dynic image URL. Can you explain in detail?
@RoboVij Do you want to change the default of the detailed menu of the initial menu? That feature is not yet supported in `image-editor`...