We don't have any content that addresses deeply nested data structures, such as arrays in arrays, or objects that contain arrays of objects that contain arrays. This should take up...
Create a workout (or two, if it makes more sense) to cover the following standards and objectives. We have content that covers the idea of inheritance, and the idea of...
We need a workout that covers the following objective: - Explain the event loop in JavaScript This means users should be able to explain how the event loop works- when...
We're going to incorporate video content in Enki soon, but we're going to maintain our commitment to using free, open-source materials. This guy makes amazing JavaScript videos that go over...
Looking to prototype some open-source exercises in the web curriculum. Add this as an exercise to a relevant workout: Part of the challenge of adding this to the curriculum...
Mozilla engineer @k88hudson created an amazing resource for Git, which would materially improve the git curriculum. It also looks like a great source of insights that we might not have....
The JavaScript Testing subtopics are too small to be courses, and too large to simply add to another course. Let's merge them into a JavaScript Testing subtopic. Note that many...
Create a workout to cover the following objective: - Use node memory profiling tools to detect memory leaks in a JavaScript program I'm talking about `node --expose-gc myScript.js --logHeapUsage` and...
Add a workout *with an exercise* to cover this objective, to the Application Security course: - [Mitigate security vulnerabilities by upgrading vulnerable packages uncovered with an analysis tool](
Create a workout that covers the following objective: - Use profiling tools to discover and resolve server latency issues Resources: This workout should come with a