Liyun Li
Liyun Li
Hey everyone, cool projects. I don't have much to show other than my own website. It uses a lot of icons from @react95/icons. Please check it out :)
@asifwani currently NCC does not have a DO environment for testing your code :(
pls allow us some time
> Whatever happened to this? Tag - @x4v13r64 Stay tuned!
Hi @moyuwa, feel free to fork the project, make changes and submit pull requests against the `develop` branch! Do note that our review process is quite slow but in time...
Hi folks, I am the guy who added a Kubernetes provider to Scout Suite. Can you let us know which branch you are using? Bug fixes might have already been...
> it's not working from Develop branch either....? Can you perhaps share screenshots?
Ah that's probably because the open source version doesn't have any findings for EKS...Feel free to pull request!
Hi @th3-d4v1d-c0de, there is a `--regions` argument under `scout aws`. Would that be the alternative solution you were looking for?