icon indicating copy to clipboard operation copied to clipboard


This is the front-end software that powers Technology used is React JS. This code is uploaded to AWS whenever there is a commit to the master branch.

Our project board is the definitive source for work in progress and work that needs to be done.


Local Development

Once you've cloned the repository, follow these steps to set up a local development environment.

Set Up Node

If you do not have NodeJS installed, please go to the NodeJS Downloads Page to download and install it. Choose the latest version corresponding to the major version number defined in .nvmrc.

If you use nvm to manage installed versions of node and npm, switch to the node version defined in .nvmrc via nvm use. Run nvm install if you get a "not yet installed" error.

NOTE: If you use a different major version of node, you may experience errors when running commands from this repo with node or npm. Additionally, please ensure you're using npm version 7.0.0 or greater by running npm --version.

Once you have node set up, install the modules declared in package-lock.json:

npm ci

Start a Development Server

To run the local development server:

npm run start

Code Formatting

This project use prettier and eslint to enforce good code formatting practices.


Prettier is "an opinionated code formatter." It is installed as a dependancy and will automatically check your code before every git commit (a pre-commit hook is installed via husky).

You can run Prettier within your IDE, such as automatically when saving. See the Prettier Docs.

To run Prettier manually, which will rewrite your code in its style:

npx prettier --write ./src


Eslint is not currently installed as a dependency. You can install it yourself via npm install eslint and run it manually, or use an extension provided by your IDE.

Unit Testing

There are unit tests (*.test.js) that can be run at anytime. They will run automatically before every git commit (a pre-commit hook is installed via husky). To run them manually:

npm run test

Testing with Local Data

Normally, the front-end fetches data from the production server. Sometimes it is necessary to test with a known data set.

  1. You must enable local testing by adding the following line to your .env.local file. Note: You need to npm run start again when changing any environment variable.
# .env.local
  1. Your test file should be in src/test/devtest.json. If there is no test file or if it is invalid, then the live production data will be fetched instead. This allows you to simply delete or rename devtest.json to revert to live testing.

Acceptable Formats:

  1. Output from the back-end scrapers (i.e. out.json)
  2. Output from a browser's View Source. You might get this by saving the contents of the production endpoint from a browser.
  3. Just create your own data set!
  4. Retrieve archived data from S3. If you have credentials, then you can retrieve a file using the following command.
aws s3 cp s3://ma-covid-vaccine/data-2021-02-23T2253Z.json src/test/devtest.json


This project uses axe as a way to encourage accessibility-friendly coding practices. Axe provides feedback when running this application locally and when running tests.

This is an example of the type of feedback axe can provide in the developer console:

axe sample report


This project uses lighthouse-ci check for generate lighthouse reports. To generate these reports locally, you can use the following:

npm install -g lhci
npm run build && lhci autorun

The lighthouse configuration can be changed by updating .lighthouserc.json and the GitHub Action can be configured by updating lighthouse-ci.yaml.

Copyright 2021 Olivia Adams and Ora Innovations, LLC. All rights reserved.