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Exploring Simple and Transferable Recognition-Aware Image Processing

This repo contains the code and instructions to reproduce the results in

Exploring Simple and Transferable Recognition-Aware Image Processing. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI).

Zhuang Liu, Hung-Ju Wang, Tinghui Zhou, Zhiqiang Shen, Bingyi Kang, Evan Shelhamer, Trevor Darrell.

drawing Fig. 1: Image processing aims for images that look visually pleasing for human, but not those accurately recognized by machines. In this work we try to enhance output images’ recognition accuracy.


Recent progress in image recognition has stimulated the deployment of vision systems at an unprecedented scale. As a result, visual data are now often consumed not only by humans but also by machines. Existing image processing methods only optimize for better human perception, yet the resulting images may not be accurately recognized by machines. This can be undesirable, e.g., the images can be improperly handled by search engines or recommendation systems. In this work, we propose simple approaches to improve machine interpretability of processed images: optimizing the recognition loss directly on the image processing network or through an intermediate transforming model. Interestingly, the processing model's ability to enhance recognition quality can transfer when evaluated on models of different architectures, recognized categories, tasks and training datasets. This makes the solutions applicable even when we do not have the knowledge of future recognition models, e.g., if we upload processed images to the Internet. We conduct experiments on multiple image processing tasks, with ImageNet classification and PASCAL VOC detection as recognition tasks. With our simple methods, substantial accuracy gain can be achieved with strong transferability and minimal image quality loss. Through a user study we further show that the accuracy gain can transfer to a black-box, third-party cloud model. Finally, we try to explain this transferability phenomenon by demonstrating the similarities of different models' decision boundaries.

drawing Fig. 2: Left: RA (Recognition-Aware) processing. In addition to the image processing loss, we add a recognition loss using a fixed recognition model R, for the processing model P to optimize. Right: RA with transformer. “Recognition Loss” stands for the dashed box in the left figure. A Transformer T is introduced between the output of P and input of R, to optimize recognition loss. We cut the gradient from recognition loss flowing to P, such that P only optimizes the image processing loss and the image quality is not affected.


Pytorch 1.5.0, and corresponding version of torchvision (0.6.0). The code could also be run using other recent versions of Pytorch (0.4.0+).

Please install following the official instructions at Pytorch.

Data Preparation

Download and uncompress the ImageNet classification dataset from to PATH_TO_IMAGENET, which should contain subfolders train/ and val/.


The examples given are for a super-resolution task, change --task to be dn/jpeg for denoising/jpeg-deblocking The model P is a SRResNet, the model R is a resnet18, see options in Models, logs and some visualizations will be available in the output folder (--save-dir)

Plain Processing

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --l 0 --save-dir checkpoints_sr/ --task sr --sr-arch SRResNet --arch resnet18 --mode ra --data PATH_TO_IMAGENET

RA Processing

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --l 0.001 --save-dir checkpoints_sr/ --task sr --sr-arch SRResNet --arch resnet18 --mode ra --data PATH_TO_IMAGENET

RA with Transformer

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --l 0.01 --save-dir checkpoints_sr_T/ --task sr --sr-arch SRResNet --arch resnet18 --mode ra_transformer --data PATH_TO_IMAGENET

Unsupervised RA

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --l 10 --save-dir checkpoints_sr_U/ --task sr --sr-arch SRResNet --arch resnet18 --mode ra_unsupervised --data PATH_TO_IMAGENET


After training, we could test the resulting image processing models on multiple R architectures (Evaluate transferability on different architectures).

Plain Processing, RA Processing or Unsupervised RA

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --cross-evaluate --model-sr PATH_TO_MODEL --task sr --mode ra --data PATH_TO_IMAGENET

RA with Transformer

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --cross-evaluate --model-sr PATH_TO_SR_MODEL --model-transformer PATH_TO_TRANSFORMER_MODEL --task sr --mode ra_transform --data PATH_TO_IMAGENET

After evaluation finishes, results will be saved in the same folder as PATH_TO_MODEL.

Pretrained Models

We provide pretrained models of Plain Processing, RA Processing and Unsupervised RA in the following links, for all three tasks. The recognition model R used as loss is ResNet-18.

Task Models
Super-resolution Google Drive
Denoising Google Drive
JPEG-deblocking Google Drive

The models can be used to test models following the commands above.


The provided pretrained models should produce the results shown in the following tables (ImageNet accuracy %, same as corresponding results in paper).

Note that the R models used to train all P models here is ResNet-18, hence the table is different than Table 1 in paper, but covers the results of Table 1,2 and 10 in paper.


P Model/Evaluation on R ResNet-18 ResNet-50 ResNet-101 DenseNet-121 VGG-16
Plain Processing 52.6 58.8 61.9 57.7 50.2
RA Processing 61.8 66.7 68.8 64.7 58.2
Unsupervised RA 61.3 66.3 68.6 64.5 57.3


P Model/Evaluation on R ResNet-18 ResNet-50 ResNet-101 DenseNet-121 VGG-16
Plain Processing 61.9 68.0 69.1 66.4 60.9
RA Processing 65.1 70.6 71.9 69.1 63.8
Unsupervised RA 61.7 67.9 69.7 66.4 60.5


P Model/Evaluation on R ResNet-18 ResNet-50 ResNet-101 DenseNet-121 VGG-16
Plain Processing 48.2 53.8 56.0 52.9 42.4
RA Processing 57.7 62.3 64.3 60.7 52.8
Unsupervised RA 53.8 59.1 62.0 57.5 50.0

Models trained with this code should also produce similar results.


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