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Wrong Implementation of the Stochastic Depth ?
The authors try to achieve Stochastic Depth by simply set "item.weight.requires_grad" to True/False. However, there are two issues:
- If a block is drop out during one iteration, all of its params, not only the conv_weight, should be fixed.
- It actually can not fix the params by simply set requires_grad=False, since the params and their momentum still exist in the optimizer (params_group&state). That is to say, even the grad is zero, the params will also update due to the nonzero momentum.
The problems should be solved through the optimizer. (Except for that the authors intended to do so. )
Thanks for your feedback. We conduct experiments with two implementation manners including (fix all parameters in the dropped path and mask this path by multiplying 0). We test these different models on our benchmarks and there are no obvious differences between them.