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How to fix error has stopped working
How can I fix the error that when running for a while, tun2socks suddenly has stopped working?
- Only x86 compiles and runs programs
- Do not compile Release version, Only compile Debug version
- Do not use .Net Framework System.Net.Sockets.Socket to recv/send async UDP/IP data.
This is due to a specific Microsoft .NET implementation BUG within.NET, and we tried to fix it with ASM (x86/ X64 CPU IL OpCode), but it didn't work very well.
However, as long as you do not compile the Debug version optimized code, this null pointer error does not occur.
The latest version, available today, optimizes compilation and fixes bugs caused by NULL pointer ( Framework) internal code implementations.
Pull to the latest code to solve this problem. commit v:17.
Pull to the latest code to solve this problem. commit v:17.
Thank you. I will try it.