to-go-struct-intellij-plugin copied to clipboard
This tool can converts JSON/SQL to a Go type definition.
希望能提取出mysql语句中的COMMENT关键字内容,作为一个参数能够赋值到tag模板中. 比如mysql语句片段为 d1_bp DECIMAL(7,4) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.0 COMMENT '涨跌基点数', 能提取出"涨跌基点数"作为%s2或其它通配符, 插入到tag模板中 `json:"%s" stbl:"%s" desc:"%s2"` 最终生成的结构体tag为 `json:"d1_bp" stbl:"d1_bp" desc:"涨跌基点数"`
Dependencies of Convert JSON/SQL to GO Struct 1.0.7 specified in plugin.xml are resolved with respect to IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate IU-212.5080.55 (2021.2.1). Java 11.0.11 was used for verification. > to-go-struct 1.0.7...
input ```json { "points": [ [ "af" ] ] } ``` output ```go type Gen struct { } ```
当不选择任何文本,右键菜单选择 Convert SQL to GO 时,触发如下异常输出: GoLand:2020.2.3 2020.7319.61 Plugin:1.0.7 ```java syntax error, error in :'syscall.Mount', expect CREATE, actual IDENTIFIER pos 7, line 1, column 1, token IDENTIFIER syscall at...
首先感谢作者,插件很方便。 希望能够在后续开发过程中,实现一个可选的增强功能。 对于 可为 null 类型的字段,可以映射为 sql.NullXXX 类型。 假设输入为 ```sql create table demo ( id bigint not null comment '主键' primary key, name varchar(255) null comment '姓名', sex varchar(255) null...
希望增加 json和sql转换到结构体时,自动进行内存对齐操作
我的IDE是Goland2020.3版本 用本地化安装该插件时,爆出如下错误: `Plugin 'Convent JSON/SQL to GO Struct' (version '1.0.0') is not compatible with the current version of the IDE, because it requires build 191.* or older but the current...
This happens when we use references keyword to reference foreign keys. syntax error, expect LPAREN, actual COMMA pos 161, line 5, column 46, token COMMA at at