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Vue timeline animation using


Vue animation with timeline and grouping support using


npm install vue-anime

In vue file, first import

import {VueAnime} from 'vue-anime'
import {VueAnimeGroup} from 'vue-anime'
import {VueAnimeTimeLine} from 'vue-anime'
export default {
  name: 'app',
  components: {

and then use in template

<vue-anime ref="demo1" :animate="{
    translateX: 200
}" class="circle" :playing="false"></vue-anime>

Vue-anime support all feature provided by animejs.

There are three element available for use:

  1. vue-anime: a single animation element
  2. vue-anime-group: a group of elements that share the same animation properties
  3. vue-anime-timeline: multiple elements that run animation by orders



Type: Object

The animation to transitions or css properties with numeric values

CSS: opacity, backgroundColor, fontSize ... Transforms: translateX, rotate, scale ...

**Initial css properties should be written as inline-css **

<vue-anime :style="{transform: translateX(-100)}" :animate="{translateX: 0}" class="circle"></vue-anime>


Type: Number or Function


Type: Number or Function


Type: Number or Array

Types Examples Infos
String 'easeOutExpo' Built in function names
Array [.91,-0.54,.29,1.56] Custom Bézier curve coordinates ([x1, y1, x2, y2])
easeIn easeOut easeInOut
easeInQuad easeOutQuad easeInOutQuad
easeInCubic easeOutCubic easeInOutCubic
easeInQuart easeOutQuart easeInOutQuart
easeInQuint easeOutQuint easeInOutQuint
easeInSine easeOutSine easeInOutSine
easeInExpo easeOutExpo easeInOutExpo
easeInCirc easeOutCirc easeInOutCirc
easeInBack easeOutBack easeInOutBack
easeInElastic easeOutElastic easeInOutElastic


Elasticity of Elastic easings can be configured with the elasticity parameters


Type: String One of 'normal', 'reverse', 'alternate'


Type: Boolean Default: false


Type: Boolean Default: false


Type: Number Animations or timelines current time.

object object-props

Type: Object

set animation target to object and specify property to change by object-props

<vue-anime ref="demo4"
      	prop1: 50,
  			prop2: '100%',
  			round: 1
     {{objectAnimeData.prop1}} / {{objectAnimeData.prop2}}

offset (timeline only)

Defines starting time relative to the previous animations duration.

 <vue-anime-time-line ref="demo11">`
   <vue-anime v-for="index in [1,2,3]" :key="index" class="square" offset="+=600" :animate="{translateX:250}"></vue-anime>



Adding vue-anime to one group and share the same animation

  <vue-anime-group ref="demo2" :playing="false" :animate="{
      translateX: 200
      <vue-anime class="circle"></vue-anime>
      <vue-anime class="circle"></vue-anime>
      <vue-anime class="square"></vue-anime>

Css Animation

Animate any css properties (not only translate)

  <vue-anime ref="demo3" :animate="{
        opacity: .5,
        left: '240px',
        backgroundColor: '#FFF',
        borderRadius: ['0em', '2em'],
  }" easing="easeInOutQuad" class="square" :playing="false"></vue-anime>

Object Animation

Set object and property

  <vue-anime ref="demo4" :object="objectAnimeData" easing="linear" :playing="false" :object-props="{
    prop1: 50,
        prop2: '100%',
        round: 1
      {{objectAnimeData.prop1}} / {{objectAnimeData.prop2}}

SVG Animation

Animate svg points

  <vue-anime ref="demo5" tag="polygon" easing="easeInOutExpo" :playing="false"
    points="64 69.32121174760113 8.574 99.95409624342311 62.81629226727815 67.27053849133411 64 3.9540962434231046 65.18370773272186 67.27053849133411 119.426 99.95409624342311 "
    fill="currentColor" :animate="{
      points: '64 128 8.574 96 8.574 32 64 0 119.426 32 119.426 96',

Specific property parameters

<vue-anime class="square" :animate="{
	translateX: {
		value: 250,
		duration: 800
	rotate: {
		value: 360,
		duration: 1800,
		easing: 'easeInOutSine'
	scale: {
		value: 2,
		duration: 1600,
		delay: 800,
		easing: 'easeInOutQuart'
	delay: 250


<vue-anime-group ref="demo7" :playing="false" direction="alternate" :loop="true" :animate="{
        translateX: 250,
      }" :duration="(el, i, l) => {
        return 1000 + (i * 1000)
      <vue-anime v-for="index in [1,2,3]" :key="index" class="square"></vue-anime>

key frames

<vue-anime ref="demo9" class="square" :playing="false" direction="alternate" :loop="true" :animate="{
        translateX: [
          { value: 250, duration: 1000, delay: 500, elasticity: 0 },
          { value: 0, duration: 1000, delay: 500, elasticity: 0 }
        translateY: [
          { value: -40, duration: 500, elasticity: 100 },
          { value: 40, duration: 500, delay: 1000, elasticity: 100 },
          { value: 0, duration: 500, delay: 1000, elasticity: 100 }
        scaleX: [
          { value: 4, duration: 100, delay: 500, easing: 'easeOutExpo' },
          { value: 1, duration: 900, elasticity: 300 },
          { value: 4, duration: 100, delay: 500, easing: 'easeOutExpo' },
          { value: 1, duration: 900, elasticity: 300 }
        scaleY: [
          { value: [1.75, 1], duration: 500 },
          { value: 2, duration: 50, delay: 1000, easing: 'easeOutExpo' },
          { value: 1, duration: 450 },
          { value: 1.75, duration: 50, delay: 1000, easing: 'easeOutExpo' },
          { value: 1, duration: 450 }

timeline basic

<vue-anime-time-line ref="demo10" :playing="false">
      <vue-anime v-for="index in [1,2,3]" :key="index" class="square" :animate="{translateX:250}"></vue-anime>

TIMELINE with offsets

<vue-anime-time-line ref="demo11" @complete="demo11Complete">
        <vue-anime v-for="index in [1,2,3]" :key="index" class="square" offset="+=600" :animate="{translateX:250}"></vue-anime>

Time-line property Inheritance

<vue-anime-time-line ref="demo12" :duration="500" easing="easeOutExpo" :loop="true" :delay="(el, i)=>i * 200" :timelines="[
        translateX: 250,
      }, {
        opacity: .5,
        translateX: 250,
        scale: 2,
      }, {
        translateX: 0,
        scale: 1
        <vue-anime class="square"></vue-anime>
        <vue-anime class="circle"></vue-anime>
        <vue-anime class="triangle"></vue-anime>

Animate process control

<vue-anime-group ref="demo13" :duration="500" :seek="seek" :delay="(el, i)=>i * 200" :playing="false" :animate="{
        translateX: 200
<vue-anime class="square"></vue-anime>
<vue-anime class="circle"></vue-anime>
<vue-anime class="triangle"></vue-anime>
<input class="progress" step=".001" type="range" min="0" max="100" @input="seekChange" value="0">