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Vue timeline animation using
Vue animation with timeline and grouping support using
npm install vue-anime
In vue file, first import
import {VueAnime} from 'vue-anime'
import {VueAnimeGroup} from 'vue-anime'
import {VueAnimeTimeLine} from 'vue-anime'
export default {
name: 'app',
components: {
and then use in template
<vue-anime ref="demo1" :animate="{
translateX: 200
}" class="circle" :playing="false"></vue-anime>
Vue-anime support all feature provided by animejs.
There are three element available for use:
- vue-anime: a single animation element
- vue-anime-group: a group of elements that share the same animation properties
- vue-anime-timeline: multiple elements that run animation by orders
Type: Object
The animation to
transitions or css properties with numeric values
CSS: opacity
, backgroundColor
, fontSize
Transforms: translateX
, rotate
, scale
**Initial css properties should be written as inline-css **
<vue-anime :style="{transform: translateX(-100)}" :animate="{translateX: 0}" class="circle"></vue-anime>
Type: Number
or Function
Type: Number
or Function
Type: Number
or Array
Types | Examples | Infos |
String | 'easeOutExpo' |
Built in function names |
Array |
[.91,-0.54,.29,1.56] | Custom Bézier curve coordinates ([x1, y1, x2, y2]) |
easeIn | easeOut | easeInOut |
easeInQuad | easeOutQuad | easeInOutQuad |
easeInCubic | easeOutCubic | easeInOutCubic |
easeInQuart | easeOutQuart | easeInOutQuart |
easeInQuint | easeOutQuint | easeInOutQuint |
easeInSine | easeOutSine | easeInOutSine |
easeInExpo | easeOutExpo | easeInOutExpo |
easeInCirc | easeOutCirc | easeInOutCirc |
easeInBack | easeOutBack | easeInOutBack |
easeInElastic | easeOutElastic | easeInOutElastic |
Elasticity of Elastic easings can be configured with the elasticity parameters
Type: String
One of 'normal', 'reverse', 'alternate'
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Type: Number
Animations or timelines current time.
object object-props
Type: Object
set animation target to object and specify property to change by object-props
<vue-anime ref="demo4"
prop1: 50,
prop2: '100%',
round: 1
{{objectAnimeData.prop1}} / {{objectAnimeData.prop2}}
offset (timeline only)
Defines starting time relative to the previous animations duration.
<vue-anime-time-line ref="demo11">`
<vue-anime v-for="index in [1,2,3]" :key="index" class="square" offset="+=600" :animate="{translateX:250}"></vue-anime>
Adding vue-anime to one group and share the same animation
<vue-anime-group ref="demo2" :playing="false" :animate="{
translateX: 200
<vue-anime class="circle"></vue-anime>
<vue-anime class="circle"></vue-anime>
<vue-anime class="square"></vue-anime>
Css Animation
Animate any css properties (not only translate)
<vue-anime ref="demo3" :animate="{
opacity: .5,
left: '240px',
backgroundColor: '#FFF',
borderRadius: ['0em', '2em'],
}" easing="easeInOutQuad" class="square" :playing="false"></vue-anime>
Object Animation
Set object and property
<vue-anime ref="demo4" :object="objectAnimeData" easing="linear" :playing="false" :object-props="{
prop1: 50,
prop2: '100%',
round: 1
{{objectAnimeData.prop1}} / {{objectAnimeData.prop2}}
SVG Animation
Animate svg points
<vue-anime ref="demo5" tag="polygon" easing="easeInOutExpo" :playing="false"
points="64 69.32121174760113 8.574 99.95409624342311 62.81629226727815 67.27053849133411 64 3.9540962434231046 65.18370773272186 67.27053849133411 119.426 99.95409624342311 "
fill="currentColor" :animate="{
points: '64 128 8.574 96 8.574 32 64 0 119.426 32 119.426 96',
Specific property parameters
<vue-anime class="square" :animate="{
translateX: {
value: 250,
duration: 800
rotate: {
value: 360,
duration: 1800,
easing: 'easeInOutSine'
scale: {
value: 2,
duration: 1600,
delay: 800,
easing: 'easeInOutQuart'
delay: 250
<vue-anime-group ref="demo7" :playing="false" direction="alternate" :loop="true" :animate="{
translateX: 250,
}" :duration="(el, i, l) => {
return 1000 + (i * 1000)
<vue-anime v-for="index in [1,2,3]" :key="index" class="square"></vue-anime>
key frames
<vue-anime ref="demo9" class="square" :playing="false" direction="alternate" :loop="true" :animate="{
translateX: [
{ value: 250, duration: 1000, delay: 500, elasticity: 0 },
{ value: 0, duration: 1000, delay: 500, elasticity: 0 }
translateY: [
{ value: -40, duration: 500, elasticity: 100 },
{ value: 40, duration: 500, delay: 1000, elasticity: 100 },
{ value: 0, duration: 500, delay: 1000, elasticity: 100 }
scaleX: [
{ value: 4, duration: 100, delay: 500, easing: 'easeOutExpo' },
{ value: 1, duration: 900, elasticity: 300 },
{ value: 4, duration: 100, delay: 500, easing: 'easeOutExpo' },
{ value: 1, duration: 900, elasticity: 300 }
scaleY: [
{ value: [1.75, 1], duration: 500 },
{ value: 2, duration: 50, delay: 1000, easing: 'easeOutExpo' },
{ value: 1, duration: 450 },
{ value: 1.75, duration: 50, delay: 1000, easing: 'easeOutExpo' },
{ value: 1, duration: 450 }
timeline basic
<vue-anime-time-line ref="demo10" :playing="false">
<vue-anime v-for="index in [1,2,3]" :key="index" class="square" :animate="{translateX:250}"></vue-anime>
TIMELINE with offsets
<vue-anime-time-line ref="demo11" @complete="demo11Complete">
<vue-anime v-for="index in [1,2,3]" :key="index" class="square" offset="+=600" :animate="{translateX:250}"></vue-anime>
Time-line property Inheritance
<vue-anime-time-line ref="demo12" :duration="500" easing="easeOutExpo" :loop="true" :delay="(el, i)=>i * 200" :timelines="[
translateX: 250,
}, {
opacity: .5,
translateX: 250,
scale: 2,
}, {
translateX: 0,
scale: 1
<vue-anime class="square"></vue-anime>
<vue-anime class="circle"></vue-anime>
<vue-anime class="triangle"></vue-anime>
Animate process control
<vue-anime-group ref="demo13" :duration="500" :seek="seek" :delay="(el, i)=>i * 200" :playing="false" :animate="{
translateX: 200
<vue-anime class="square"></vue-anime>
<vue-anime class="circle"></vue-anime>
<vue-anime class="triangle"></vue-anime>
<input class="progress" step=".001" type="range" min="0" max="100" @input="seekChange" value="0">