docker-rustup copied to clipboard
Automated builded images for rust-lang with rustup, "the ultimate way to install RUST"
Automated builded images on store and hub for rust-lang with musl added, using rustup "the ultimate way to install RUST".
tag changed: all3 -> all
- Image buildings are triggered by automated builds on when "build branch" is updated by
- Please check liuchong/rustup tags on store instead of Build Details on hub
- The "build branch" and "tags" are meaningless but just docker images(which are with stable/versions tags) for building
- the "version tags" are available from 1.15.0
- the stable/beta/nightly tags does not have the package "musl-tools" and the target "x86_64-unknown-linux-musl" installed by default
pull the images:
> docker pull liuchong/rustup
> docker pull liuchong/rustup:musl
the tags are:
- stable/version: (stable/Dockerfile)
- stable-musl/version-musl: (stable_musl/Dockerfile)
- beta: (beta/Dockerfile)
- beta-musl: (beta_musl/Dockerfile)
- nightly: (nightly/Dockerfile)
- nightly-musl: (nightly_musl/Dockerfile)
- nightly-onbuild: (nightly_onbuild/Dockerfile)
- nightly-musl-onbuild: (nightly_musl_onbuild/Dockerfile)
- all: (all/Dockerfile)
- all-musl, musl, latest: (all_musl/Dockerfile)
- plus: (plus/Dockerfile)
use the image
just setup the Dockerfile:
FROM liuchong/rustup:stable
or you maybe prefer to make a musl static building:
# you can also use "latest", which is the same as "musl".
docker run -v $PWD:/build_dir -w /build_dir -t liuchong/rustup:musl cargo build --release
# or, you may want to use nightly channel and fix the ownership and remove container after run as below:
docker run --rm -v $PWD:/build_dir -w /build_dir -t liuchong/rustup:musl sh -c "rustup run nightly cargo build --release && chown -R $(id -u):$(id -g) target"
then, you can write a dockerfile like this and build you app image(so, the image will be very small):
FROM scratch
ADD target/x86_64-unknown-linux-musl/release/your-app /
CMD ["/your-app"]
# or something like this:
# CMD ["/your-app", "--production"]
Build script
# Use automatical checked version from website for current stable builds:
# Use a specified stable version from command line:
./ 1.21.0
# Do not build versioning tag, just pass a string which is not fit the version pattern,
# as the first argument:
./ no-version
./ foo